‘Let the people decide on Ukraine’ — An Interview with Balázs Hidvéghi

Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Hungarian Prime Minister Balázs Hidvéghi
Tamás Gyurkovits/Hungarian Conservative
‘If Brussels clings to this policy [on Ukraine], Europe will further weaken itself and become increasingly irrelevant on the global stage,’ State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister Balázs Hidvéghi warned in an interview with Hungarian Conservative.

Balázs Hidvéghi was appointed Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister in September 2024, after serving as a Member of the European Parliament of the Hungarian governing party Fidesz. In this interview with Hungarian Conservative he reflects on his experiences in defending Hungary’s interests on the European stage, the future of the once-powerful but now struggling European Union, efforts to push for peace in Ukraine, and the government’s plans to protect the country from foreign interference. The interview was conducted on 10 March.


After serving one term in the European Parliament, you have returned to domestic politics as Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister. How challenging is this transition? To what extent is your experience from the EP applicable to your current role? And, if such a distinction can be made, which of the two roles presents the greater challenge?

The transition was seamless. It was in part because, even during my tenure as a Member of the European Parliament, I continued to reside in Hungary and travelled to each session, ensuring that I remained closely connected to the country. Furthermore, those who follow the political discourse are well aware that a substantial portion of our national debates are influenced by European issues. This is particularly evident given that our political opponents have long acted as Brussels’ puppets, seeking to impose an external agenda on Hungary. By contrast, our approach is unequivocal: we represent Hungary’s interests in Brussels, whereas our opponents work to advance Brussels’ agenda in Hungary. In this sense, many of the debates in the European Union resemble those we have at home. As for which is more challenging, I cannot say—it’s a different kind of struggle. On the international stage, representing national interests requires a distinct set of skills, while at home, we operate within the framework of domestic politics. Both have their difficulties, but I find them equally engaging.

You left the European Parliament at a time when right-wing, sovereignist forces are gaining momentum across Europe, as evidenced by the rapid rise of Patriots for Europe (PfE), which was founded last summer and has already become the third-largest political group in the EP. How do you see the future of Patriots in the upcoming term?

The establishment of Patriots for Europe marks a turning point in European politics. At the same time, it is also a recognition of the policies of Fidesz and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who played a leading role in forming this new faction. It is a source of satisfaction and pride to witness the growing support for a political vision grounded in national interests, patriotism, pragmatism, and traditional values. The Hungarian model is increasingly regarded as a point of reference, with numerous Western and Central European parties looking at Fidesz as an example. I anticipate that Patriots will continue to expand in the future, as the results of the European elections also suggest. The electorate is growing increasingly disillusioned with the perilous, ideology-driven policies of the liberal left, which Brussels has imposed for years. More and more citizens are rallying behind parties that prioritize the interests of their nations. I fully expect this trend to continue.

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What key issues should the European right, including PfE, prioritize to further strengthen its influence and achieve greater success?

There are several critical issues that must be addressed. One of the most pressing is the fight against illegal migration. Hungary has demonstrated that it is possible to protect national borders and prevent mass migration, whereas many Western European nations failed to do so and are now grappling with the severe consequences of their inaction. Migration is playing an increasingly decisive role in political developments and, in some cases, is even determining electoral outcomes. Safeguarding European identity and values will remain a central topic in the years ahead.

Another crucial priority is restoring Europe’s economic competitiveness. The reckless, ideology-driven policies of the left have severely undermined the European economy, stagnating growth, causing the continent to fall behind in global competition. This downward trajectory cannot be allowed to persist. What is needed is rational policymaking, a pragmatic industrial strategy, and a balanced environmental approach—one that is grounded in economic realities rather than ideology.

Additionally, achieving peace in Ukraine is of paramount importance. The pro-peace stance that we have long advocated is garnering increasing support across Western Europe and beyond. This shift in sentiment is becoming more evident among voters with each passing day.

The latter has accelerated significantly following Donald Trump’s inauguration, with Washington now engaging in discussions with both Kyiv and Moscow on how to bring the conflict to an end. Meanwhile, EU leaders have become even more aggressive in their pro-war stance. What are the potential consequences if Brussels fails to adapt to the new geopolitical realities?

The European elite has consistently pursued a pro-war agenda, and despite the shifting global landscape, they remain unwilling to abandon their flawed policies. Should they persist on this misguided path, they will only further accelerate Europe’s diminishing role in global affairs—particularly regarding the resolution of the conflict and the emerging power dynamics in its aftermath.

For over three years Brussels’ pro-war policy has been aligned with that of the Biden administration. Yet despite unprecedented arms shipments, extensive financial support, and relentless political pressure, their objectives have not been achieved: Ukraine has not emerged victorious, Russia has not been brought to its knees, and the anticipated collapse of Putin’s government has not materialized. Now that the United States is actively engaging with Russia in negotiations and shifting its focus elsewhere, Brussels finds itself increasingly isolated in its pro-war stance, making success even less likely.

This approach is fundamentally flawed and has inflicted severe damage on Europe while doing little to assist Ukraine, which continues to suffer devastating human and economic losses. If Brussels clings to this policy, Europe will further weaken itself and become increasingly irrelevant on the global stage.

What is particularly alarming is that Europe is being excluded from negotiations on the settlement of the conflict. This starkly illustrates how the EU is losing its political weight. We must return to realpolitik—an approach that recognizes actual power dynamics. This is precisely what we advocate for on the national side.

According to Hidvéghi, Brussels finds itself increasingly isolated in its pro-war stance. PHOTO: Tamás Gyurkovits/Hungarian Conservative

Can you envisage a scenario in which, five or ten years from now, the European Union will no longer be considered a global player?

It is difficult to predict, as circumstances can change rapidly. If politics take a rational and pragmatic turn, meaningful change could happen swiftly. However, if Brussels persists with its misguided, self-destructive policies, it will gradually erode its own influence, ultimately reducing the European Union to irrelevance on the global stage. Our hope is that this outcome can be avoided.

Hungary’s position on Ukraine's accession also differs from that of the EU majority. Viktor Orbán recently announced that a ‘public vote’ will be held in Hungary on the matter. Could you provide some details about this initiative?

A country at war poses enormous security challenges. If Ukraine were to be admitted into the EU under the current circumstances, it would upend the Union’s financial framework, drain cohesion funds, and impose a considerable economic burden on Hungary, transforming it into a net contributor. Furthermore, this would be devastating for Hungarian agriculture while also opening the European market to dangerous genetically modified products and chemicals long banned within the EU.

Moreover, the accession of Ukraine would likely lead to a surge in organized crime, with smuggling networks expanding their influence. The proliferation of illicit weapons—many of which have already been trafficked out of Ukraine due to the unregulated flow of arms shipments—further exacerbates these concerns. Additionally, it would pose significant risks to Hungary’s pension and healthcare systems.

‘Pursuing Ukraine’s accession recklessly for ideological reasons would have catastrophic consequences’

In conclusion, pursuing Ukraine’s accession recklessly for ideological reasons would have catastrophic consequences. This is why we firmly believe that the Hungarian people must have a say in this matter. Every EU member state retains a veto over enlargement, and if the Hungarian people reject Ukraine’s membership, it will not happen. For this reason, we are initiating a public vote.

Our objective is to provide Hungarians with the opportunity to express their views on this issue and to articulate why the rushed accession of Ukraine poses a grave risk to the European Union and to Hungary as well. Over the coming weeks and months, we will ensure that the topic remains at the forefront of public discourse, so that the voice of the Hungarian people is heard and respected.

Another consequence of Trump’s presidency that directly affects Hungary is the exposure of the USAID-funded global influence network. The government has already taken steps to counter attempts to undermine national sovereignty. What measures are expected to follow?

The recent disclosure by the United States of vast financial resources funnelled worldwide to promote the American progressive agenda is of profound significance. While these funds were often categorized as humanitarian aid, in reality, a substantial portion was directed towards political intervention in the domestic affairs of sovereign nations.

These resources have primarily been allocated to seemingly independent foundations and non-governmental organizations, as well as political parties and media outlets. However, these entities were never truly independent—they have been systematically linked by a singular ideological objective: the destabilization of national, Christian-democratic governments and conservative political movements. Their activities have included orchestrated campaigns to discredit such governments, manufacturing political pressure, producing biased reports, and lobbying the European Commission to take punitive action.

‘We fully expect Brussels to escalate its interference’

The American dimension of this operation is now being laid bare. In response, the Hungarian government has appointed András László as a government commissioner, charged with thoroughly investigating and exposing these networks in the coming period. However, it is equally critical to recognize that this influencing operation has a European component as well. The European Commission’s funding structures function in much the same way, actively financing organizations that promote a progressive, left-wing agenda in a systematic and strategic manner.

Such political interventions constitute a persistent assault on national sovereignty and must be confronted with decisive action. It is imperative that these networks be exposed, and robust countermeasures are enacted. Hungary’s legislative framework has already been adapted to strengthen national defences against foreign influence. Political parties are strictly prohibited from receiving foreign funding. Moreover, in the coming weeks, additional legislative measures will be introduced to reinforce these safeguards, ensuring full transparency and public accountability. In addition, politically engaged organizations will also be barred from receiving clandestine financial support.

Next year Hungary will hold parliamentary elections. In 2022 the Biden administration interfered by providing financial support to the Hungarian opposition. Do you expect similar attempts in 2026?

The current American administration adheres to a sovereignty-based policy, which aligns with Hungary’s long-standing principles. This shift is a welcome development, as reflected in the notable improvement in bilateral relations between Hungary and the United States. Recently, our foreign ministers held a cordial and constructive meeting—an interaction that had been absent for years. This is no coincidence, as both nations share common perspectives on fundamental issues such as national identity, family values, and sovereignty.

Nonetheless, despite this progress, Brussels’ past interference in Hungary’s domestic affairs is well-documented, and such efforts are expected to persist—in fact, they are already underway. It is evident that Brussels has found its latest puppet in Péter Magyar, who has swiftly aligned himself with their agenda and now openly promotes Brussels’ position on every major issue. Whether the subject is migration, gender ideology, or the war in Ukraine, his rhetoric leaves no doubt as to whom he truly represents.

We fully expect Brussels to escalate its interference. However, we are now significantly more prepared and vigilant against such tactics than in previous years. On most contentious issues, we have the steadfast support of the Hungarian people and will leverage public awareness to ensure transparency and clarity regarding what is truly at stake in these debates.

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Éric Zemmour: ‘Ukraine wants to join the EU in order to become a NATO member’
‘If Brussels clings to this policy [on Ukraine], Europe will further weaken itself and become increasingly irrelevant on the global stage,’ State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister Balázs Hidvéghi warned in an interview with Hungarian Conservative.