‘Being Hungarian is a spiritual quality. If someone is Hungarian, they are Hungarian first and foremost, and they start to argue only after that—of course, in Hungarian. If we do not have a common value or a common means of…
Father Imre serves a congregation that has many elderly Hungarian parishioners who look to him not only for their spiritual but also logistical needs. He also helps the local Hungarian institutions by baking and cooking meals as well as with…
in a Friday radio interview Viktor Orbán announced a new economic stimulus programme, centred around three key measures: providing affordable housing, increasing wages, and supporting small businesses. The Hungarian prime minister underlined that Hungary cannot rely on Brussels to help…
‘How many times has the US ambassador intervened in Hungary’s internal affairs through statements, social media posts, or other means? The figure is likely well over eleven. And how many times has the US President or Vice President labelled Hungary’s…
A pro-Trump business owner named Anthony Constantino decided to put up a 100-foot wide ‘Vote for Trump’ sign on his roof in Amsterdam, New York. The Democrat mayor of the city issued a complaint, so Constantino was ordered to cover…
‘Today, the expansion of the state apparatus…continues, but is approaching its culmination. In this spirit, that is, the announcement of the ‘‘fourth industrial revolution’’ and ‘‘digitalization’’, all of which fit into the logic of rationalization and rationalism, the world is…
Unfortunately, Wednesday’s debate in the European Parliament devolved into a political mud-slinging session, driven by Ursula von der Leyen and the leaders of the EP political groups, rather than a reasoned discussion. In response, Viktor Orbán countered the propagandistic fake…
‘It is time for the United States to return to diplomacy grounded in respect, dialogue and truth, particularly in our relationship with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s government,’ Mr Leib proclaims in his recently published opinion piece about the current state…
Kamala Harris, known for struggling in unscripted appearances, recently labelled Viktor Orbán, Vladimir Putin, and Xi Jinping as dictators and murderers on a late-night show. This extreme rhetoric is unfortunately common among Democrats, with Joe Biden previously making similar remarks…
Iconic social democrat politician Anna Kéthly was the second woman to serve in the Hungarian National Assembly. Born into a working-class family, she dedicated her life to advocating for the rights of workers and women in particular. Forced into hiding…
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