Recently Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was awarded the Supreme Order of the Turkic World. As he highlighted in his speech, the relationship between Hungary and the Turkic nations is not a thing of the past ‘but a living relationship’….
‘Ultimately, COP29 will likely reaffirm what we’ve long known about global climate diplomacy: nations, despite their collective rhetoric, will prioritize their own interests. For wealthier countries in the Global North, the climate agenda offers an opportunity to entrench their geopolitical…
‘A new chapter is unfolding—the patriots have emerged on the horizon, and the era of sovereignty has begun,’ Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared at the first general assembly of the Patriots for Europe in Paris. The event, attended by…
European countries purchase significant amounts of American weapon systems and military equipment, making US companies the main beneficiaries of the increased defence budgets within NATO. This situation creates tensions and a fragmented will within the EU in processes aimed at…
‘Hungarian Jews were generally known for their assimilated and law-abiding nature. By and large, they saw themselves as loyal Hungarian citizens and followed the law of the land to the letter. This was part of a well-rehearsed strategy on the…
‘The importance of the Orthodox rite of St Catherine’s Monastery at the foot of the 2,300-metre Mount Sinai (Jebel Musa, also known as Horeb) in the Sinai Peninsula grew only after the loss of Jerusalem in 1187 and the fall…
Policies such as pro-family tax cuts, housing programmes, child benefits etc., all resulting in a kind of family income system that aims to reduce the harm inflicted on families by a Ricardian conception of the economy (which, obviously, cannot be…
‘We’ve been approached much more often by local American organizations to present Hungarian culture to various schools or other groups as part of a larger, multicultural performance. These collaborations have been so invigorating for our whole team that we’ve come…
‘I have never been to a summit where such a sharp and intense political discourse was generated,’ Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Jánós Bóka said in an interview with Magyar Nemzet. Bóka also revealed that the long-term goal for the future…
The German paper Passauer Neuer Presse conducted an interview with EPP President Manfred Weber on the occasion of the informal European Council meeting in Budapest, using the opportunity to prod him on the supposed ‘isolation’ of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán…
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