Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave an extraordinary interview to M1 television on Wednesday night

Orbán is asking everyone to let doctors and nurses do their jobs, and not to distribute fake videos.

It can be a step-by-step opening, so the government uses the word ‘restart’ – said the PM about the restrictions in the interview.

The country should not be restarted until those most at risk, those over 65, have been vaccinated – he added. It would be immeasurably unfair not to take special care of them, the prime minister said, saying the government had set up separate set of rules until all registered people over the age of 65 were vaccinated. The vaccination target for reopening is 1,5 million people, the PM reiterated. 

Everyone must follow the rules, he said. There aren’t many, they can be complied with, Orbán said. Wave 3 is caused by the British mutant, which spreads faster. As long as the infection was isolated, closure helped. Now the infection is massive, this can be only be slowed down by restrictions, not stopped. But we have a cure now, the vaccine and all efforts must be focused on this, he said.

Orbán is asking everyone to let doctors and nurses do their jobs, and not to distribute fake videos. The PM said he can accept some do not trust trust vaccine, but they should reserve their opinion to themselves and leave the others alone. 
