David Pressman, the US Ambassador to Hungary, recently denounced Hungary for being backwards and benighted on LGBT matters. In his recent Budapest Pride speech, the ambassador said that ‘today LGBT people are under attack in countries around the world, including in Hungary.’
It’s not ‘cultural imperialism,’ said the ambassador, who represents the government of a country that has already been ideologically colonized by gender ideology.
Ambassador Pressman’s speech was filled with noble words about how LGBT people are a vulnerable minority who are only fighting for ‘dignity.’ He said that history shows ‘that when governments start discriminating against one group,’ we are on our way to Holocaust 2.0, which ‘begins with innocent-sounding laws to protect the children.’
Frightening stuff. Meanwhile, back in enlightened, progressive America, a large gay rights march in New York City last weekend featured a mob chanting, ‘We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.’ You wouldn’t know that from the news media, which, with regard to LGBT matters, sees its job not as reporting the news, but rather managing the narrative. But the video was widely released on the Internet. Here’s a clip on Twitter:
Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on Twitter: “”We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.”Yeah, we know. pic.twitter.com/9Tfku0uGha / Twitter”
“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.”Yeah, we know. pic.twitter.com/9Tfku0uGha
On Sunday, a feminist named K. Yang wandered into a Pride crowd in New York City, peacefully holding a sign demanding that queer activists stop denying the existence of women. She was assaulted by the jeering mob, which tore her sign out of her hands. On the video, you can hear a woman in the crowd say, ‘Tear her dress off.’ This wasn’t reported by media, but the video is here:
Stop Female Erasure / K Yang on Twitter: “NYC Pride – 6/25/2023My name is K. Yang, I’m a former trans rights activist & LGBT non-profit whistleblower. I was just kicked, hit, pushed, mobbed by dozens of people in Washington Square Park. ♂️ who identify as ♀️ called me “bitch” & assaulted me. @KnownHeretic @bjportraits pic.twitter.com/4J9AaFXSEf / Twitter”
NYC Pride – 6/25/2023My name is K. Yang, I’m a former trans rights activist & LGBT non-profit whistleblower. I was just kicked, hit, pushed, mobbed by dozens of people in Washington Square Park. ♂️ who identify as ♀️ called me “bitch” & assaulted me. @KnownHeretic @bjportraits pic.twitter.com/4J9AaFXSEf
Elsewhere in Manhattan on Pride weekend, topless lesbians frolicked in a fountain around children.
In Seattle, a troupe of naked adults rolled in the local Pride parade on bicycles—again, in front of kids— calling for ‘ride For Every Body’. You have to see it to believe it.
‘The struggle for human dignity is, like democracy itself, not a destination but a process,’ said the American ambassador.
I guess some humans struggle more for dignity than others.
This is shameful stuff. And this only a scattering of reports from a single weekend during Pride month. The American writer Wesley Yang (no relation to K. Yang) has been chronicling the conquering of Western culture by queer theory for some time. Yang is no conservative; rather, he is a writer and an intellectual who is appalled by the crazed cult thinking that has overtaken the West. In his most recent Substack post, Yang collects fragments from only a single week of social and mainstream media, documenting the revolution. He powerfully describes the gender cult as ‘the established religion of the global hegemon.’ And Ambassador Pressman is an evangelist.
Activists like the American ambassador have made enormous progress with their cause by playing the victims. It can’t be doubted that gays and lesbians have been badly treated. It is real and welcome progress that gay men and woman can walk the streets of Budapest holding hands and face no harm. In a liberal society, people have a right to be wrong.
But that right is not unlimited. In the United States, the LGBT revolution is constantly pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable. Only a few years ago, if one had said, ‘They’re coming for our children!’, one would have been denounced as a bigot and an alarmist. Now, in 2023, a gay rights march chants the same thing, proudly, in America’s cultural capital.
It’s no mere taunt.
In at least six liberal American states, legislatures have passed laws, or are in the process of passing laws, that would grant the states the right to seize children who declare themselves transgender from parents unwilling to start transitioning them. Only a few short years ago, if you had said that the day is coming when the government would reserve the right to take children away from parents for the sake of sexually mutilating them, with chemicals and surgery, you would have been condemned as a madman and a bigot. Today, it’s the law.
You may have heard that some US politicians, like Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, and local school boards, have engaged in homophobic and transphobic censorship, by removing certain LGBT books from school libraries. What the media typically do not report are the details: that most of these books are quite pornographic. In Canada, angry parents recently exposed a sex education course being used in public schools, involving ‘flash cards’ explaining sexual concepts. Here’s a link to a page featuring the cards, which were shown to children, and which describe sexual practices so filthy many people will never have heard of them.
Similarly, Americans are now learning that in many schools around the country, there are written policies instructing teachers to hide the gender identity of students from parents. That is, the teachers are conspiring with their genderqueer students against parents. Public and private schools are becoming the enemies of families—and this, with the full support of the US government.
And not just the government, but every major institutions of American life: media, academia, corporations, sports, law, medicine, even the US military and the CIA. To stand against the march of the genderqueer jackboots through American institutions is to stand against the entire established order. Keep that in mind when the US ambassador speaks of vulnerable, persecuted minorities. In America today, the truly courageous are those who dare to say no, I don’t believe in this.
The genuinely brave are those who refuse to live by lies.
As goes America today, so goes Hungary tomorrow, if you aren’t careful. Do not forget that LGBT activists achieved all this power by adopting the stance of persecuted, vulnerable minorities. Over twenty years ago, an educational activist group called GLSEN entered schools with a message of fighting bullying, especially against LGBT kids. No decent person can support bullying, right? If all they called for was fighting bullying, that would have been fine. But GLSEN claimed that we could only fight bullying by teaching that the LGBT spectrum was normal. It wasn’t true, but they succeeded in winning over educators.
Now in the United States, to oppose anything that LGBT propagandists want to do is denounced as bullying – and, in some cases, as ‘trans genocide.’ The late, great French-American intellectual René Girard prophetically saw all this coming two decades ago, writing that ‘The current process of spiritual demagoguery and rhetorical overkill has transformed the concern for victims into a totalitarian command and a permanent inquisition.’
We Americans know how this works, because we have seen it happen over and over again. The Left pretends to speak out for vulnerable minorities, and to say that ‘love,’ ‘freedom,’ and ‘democracy’ requires expanding special rights to racial and sexual minorities. Then, when these groups and their allies gain power within institutions,
they throw away their supposed commitment to liberal values like fairness and tolerance.
After all, as they see it, they are fighting evil—and extremism in fighting evil is no vice.
I have no difficulty believing that most gays and lesbians in America don’t endorse this kind of extremism. But it is also the case that they are not in charge of the movement—the activist radicals are. The radicals have the Biden Administration entirely in their command. Even as European governments are becoming more medically conservative in treatment for gender nonconforming children, the US government, as well as the US medical establishment, is guided instead by ideology.
This madness has not yet reached Hungary—but it will. Do not be deceived. By the time it does, years of propaganda, as well as the steady ratcheting-up of pressure within professions and professional associations, may have demoralized the people so much that, like most Americans, they keep their heads down and conform. If they haven’t yet learned to love Big Brother, then they at least fear him, and that’s good enough for the genderqueer totalitarians.
The kind of stirring rhetoric that the US Ambassador used in his recent speech is the kind of stirring rhetoric we Americans have been hearing for years—even as sexual orientation and gender identity radicalism has moved from strength to strength throughout our society. By portraying themselves as perpetual victims, they have conquered the culture of the world’s most powerful hegemon.
If they can defeat the American Empire, and turn it to their purposes, how hard could it be to roll over Hungary,
Poland, and the countries of Central Europe?
The answer depends on the still-free, still-sane peoples of this region. Hungarians should learn from the bitter experience of us Americans, before it’s too late. Ignore the official pronouncements and the propaganda from mainstream Western media, and instead keep your eyes on what those in power, like the American ambassador, don’t want you to know about where their crusade leads.