Europe Can Rise Again on 9 June

Europe illustration (source:
‘Conservatives are the only parties in Europe that are rising, and the left is afraid. We can be certain that a paradigm shift would wipe out many leftist politicians, and the elites that pay them clearly don’t want that to happen. They want obedient politicians who follow their agenda. On 9 June Conservatives have a mission: the reconquest of our sovereignty, the reconquest of our security, the reconquest of our economy and industry, the reconquest of our agriculture, the reconquest of our identity.’

Europe is facing the most important elections of this century. The European elections to be held on 9 June will be decisive for millions of Europeans, as it will decide one momentous thing: whether the people want to continue with the liberal and social democratic establishment in the European Parliament or European patriots to take back the European Parliament from the bureaucrats and make Europe a union of free and sovereign nations.

Europeans will be able to change the course of Europe, remove Von der Leyen from politics, remove the suicidal policies of the Green Pact, the regulations, the taxes, censorship of media and social networks, the hiding of the truth about the Covid vaccine contracts. Europe can be reclaimed if Europeans put their confidence in the parties of ECR and ID.

One of the big issues at the centre of the vote will be illegal immigration, a taboo subject since the beginning of 2010. More and more people are becoming aware of the reality and the real consequences of multiculturalism imposed on us by the traditional parties, both socialist and centre-right.

Likewise, many now see another reality as well:

at the end of the day, the parties of the mainstream are all the same with small variations, with no alternative ideas allowed by their leaders.

We see this clearly in Spain. The PP (Partido Popular) and the PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español) vote the same way! In total they have voted 88.28 per cent of the time the same way over the past cycle. To make this it even clearer, Spanish PP MEP Estevan González Pons said in an electoral debate for the European elections: ‘In Brussels we are in a coalition with the Socialist Party. We have been in a coalition for a long time with the PSOE and the Greens, and we will continue to be in a coalition with the Socialist Party and the Greens.’

Under the governments run by these parties we have seen how illegal immigration has continued to increase year after year without ceasing, being one of the main causes of the growing criminality in Europe. Would a Swede have believed it 15 years ago that his country would become the leader in the percentage of murders by firearms in the EU by 2024? It would have been unthinkable. In Catalonia, the percentage of imprisoned criminals who are foreigners is already more than half of the prison population, 50.11 per cent, whereas their proportion in society is only 6.32 per cent. Worse than that, 18 per cent of the prisoners in Catalan jails are Moroccans, while they make up only 3 per cent of the population in Catalonia. Foreigners in Paris, despite representing between 15 and 20 per cent of the population, commit 70.4 per cent of all violent robberies and 75.6 per cent of robberies. Not to mention the phenomenon of no-go zones, areas with their own rules and regulations, where the laws of the country are a dead letter and the police cannot even enter.

Another important matter that conservative parties are campaigning on is demographics. Demography is one of the big issues in Europe. We see how the Old Continent is suffering a demographic winter, where fertility rates are plummeting and returning to post-war times.

For example, in my country, Spain, the fertility rate is the lowest in the entire European Union, with a rate of 1.13 per cent, the lowest since 1942, when Spain was isolated, poor and only three years after the end of the Civil War. Having children is not purely a question of money (it partly is), but is also influenced by the mentality and ideology that has become prevalent in public thinking. We see how many mainstream media, political parties, academics and so on constantly talk about the huge cost of having a child, or even the cost it has at an environmental level, as for example the newspaper El País, which has recommended ‘not having children to avoid contributing to the environmental debacle’. Also, gender ideology, added to third wave feminism, the LGTBQ lobby, the normalization of abortion have all created a society where having a child, especially if you are young, is seen as a rara avis. This has led many Western leaders to see this issue as a perfect opportunity for the normalization of mass immigration. In Spain, we experienced this one month ago, when the government proposal of regularizing half a million illegals was supported with the vote of all parties except Vox.

In the last few months, we have seen conferences and large-scale events that have brought together great speakers to discuss and explain the current problems in Europe and why there should be change. The three most important events have been the National Conservativism Conference, CPAC Hungary and MEGA (Make Europe Great Again).

We see how the new conservative right has finally understood what the way forward is what the left has been doing for a long time: uniting.

To follow similar policies, to cooperate, to have think tanks, to organize events, to be in the universities, in the media… in short, to play by the same rules as the left.

Conservatives are the only parties in Europe that are rising, and the left is afraid. We can be certain that a paradigm shift would wipe out many leftist politicians, and the elites that pay them clearly don’t want that to happen. They want obedient politicians who follow their agenda. On 9 June Conservatives have a mission: the reconquest of our sovereignty, the reconquest of our security, the reconquest of our economy and industry, the reconquest of our agriculture, the reconquest of our identity. Fighting for Europe to become Europe again, for Europe to become great again so that future generations can be safe, free, and prosperous in the Old Continent. Europe will return.

Read more on European conservatives joining forces:

‘European patriots and conservatives must continue to fight tirelessly’ — An Interview with Spanish MEP Jorge Buxadé
‘Preparing for a key role for conservatism in the European Parliament is essential’ — An Interview with Polish MEP Ryszard Czarnecki
Giorgia Meloni’s Victory Bolsters Orbán’s Vision of a European Conservative Renaissance
‘Conservatives are the only parties in Europe that are rising, and the left is afraid. We can be certain that a paradigm shift would wipe out many leftist politicians, and the elites that pay them clearly don’t want that to happen. They want obedient politicians who follow their agenda. On 9 June Conservatives have a mission: the reconquest of our sovereignty, the reconquest of our security, the reconquest of our economy and industry, the reconquest of our agriculture, the reconquest of our identity.’