Is France Dead?

Jean-Luc Mélenchon celebrates at the election night of left-wing party La France Insoumise (LFI) following the first results of the second round of France's legislative election in Paris on 7 July 2024.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon celebrates at the election night of radical left-wing party La France Insoumise following the first results of the second round of France's legislative election in Paris on 7 July 2024.
Sameer Al-Doumy/AFP
‘The left and progressives are following the same strategy everywhere in Europe. Scholz, in 2023, said he hoped to naturalize two million immigrants and soften the immigration law to attract up to 400,000 non-EU immigrants. In Spain we experienced it a few months ago, when the fact of regularizing half a million people was supported with the positive vote of all parties except Vox. The real problem will emerge when these illegal immigrants start to create their parties and win elections.’

France has disappointed once again. In 2022, we were all excited about a possible victory of Marine Le Pen in the French presidential elections, but as always, the second round shattered our hopes that France indeed wants to return to what it was, and not remain the dunghill it has become. This Sunday, it happened again: France fell amidst a historic voter turnout.

How did we get here? The left has followed one of the models that work very well in democracy: setting up political clientelism: the practice of giving subsidies to anyone who thinks like you or who, in exchange for money, will provide obeisance.

Illegal immigration is the great ace up the sleeve of that left. The recipe is simple: the more illegal immigrants they bring in, the more they need to defend them in public, and the more the immigrants will feel indebted to and obliged to vote for them. It is their vote that matters, as it guarantees four or five peaceful years in seats not earned the hard way but lucrative, thanks to taxpayers.

The left has effectively hacked democracy. They have taken advantage of the situation and brought in millions of immigrants, nationalized them, given them subsidies, made them immune to criticism in the mainstream media and allowed them to bring their customs and conflicts to Europe. And what do these immigrants give in return for this service? Their votes.

However, the centre-right has been equally or even more responsible for all this,

since it has only managed to worry about the economy, without showing willingness to take on the cultural battle. It allowed the left to completely take over the narrative over and set the agenda regarding social issues. It let the left monopolize public discourse and normalize issues that were not normal before. The cowardly right did not know how to play the same cards as the left, either because of naivety or complicity—and I do not know which is worse.

The left has taken over the streets, the media, the think tanks, the language, universities. And what has centre-right done? Nothing. All for the sake of remaining decent, worrying about ‘what will people say’, trying to be liked by the left, wanting to be in the same circles, not wanting to impose a conservative social vision, instead focusing on being the ‘bastions of the economy’.

The hope for a new France is vanishing. France has been destroyed, by its no-go zones, by the twenty (!) rapes that occur every 20 minutes in the country (in fact, France is the country with the highest number of rapes in the EU). In 2022, foreigners in Paris committed 70.4 per cent of violent robberies and 75.6 per cent of robberies, despite representing between 15 and 20 per cent of the population, and that’s not counting those naturalized and the second and third generation immigrants who have French nationality.

Is 2027 the final hope? It is difficult to believe that France will wake up and react, not to mention the new second- third- and even fourth-generation immigrants who will likely vote in the French elections three years from now. Also, many people may leave France by then. A very good friend of mine in Budapest told me that he was seriously thinking of selling his house that in France, due to growing concerns about security in the area.

Many of us thought that without Macron in the race, choosing Le Pen over Mélenchon would be a no-brainer in the second round, but that’s not how it turned out. Macron, the extreme left, the greens, they all ganged up against the RN, and that is likely to happen again. What will Les Républicains do in three years’ time? will they split again, will they not support Le Pen out of fear? To be honest, I am not optimistic.

The Left in Europe Follows the Same Path Everywhere: Hacking Democracy

The left and progressives are following the same strategy everywhere in Europe. Scholz, in 2023, said he hoped to naturalize two million immigrants and soften the immigration law to attract up to 400,000 non-EU immigrants. In Spain we experienced it a few months ago, when the fact of regularizing half a million people was supported with the positive vote of all parties except Vox.

The real problem will emerge when these illegal immigrants start to create their parties and win elections;

that will be the real danger, which we are already experiencing on a low scale. In the UK it already happened in municipal elections, as I explained in my previous article.

The fact of the matter is that ordinary people are not prepared for what is to happen in the next few years in Europe.

The thin line between the salvation and doom of Western Europe is getting thinner and thinner and we are getting closer and closer to the abyss from which it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to get out. We are losing more and more battles, and the war is getting closer and closer to the end; we must act now before it is too late.

Spain, my country, however, offers a positive example that even if almost everything is lost, it can be recovered: the Reconquest. It took eight centuries of occupation, but we won and recovered what was ours and Spain became Christian again. Let that example inspire us.

‘The left and progressives are following the same strategy everywhere in Europe. Scholz, in 2023, said he hoped to naturalize two million immigrants and soften the immigration law to attract up to 400,000 non-EU immigrants. In Spain we experienced it a few months ago, when the fact of regularizing half a million people was supported with the positive vote of all parties except Vox. The real problem will emerge when these illegal immigrants start to create their parties and win elections.’