Hungarian Conservative

Living Freely, Lying Freely

Demonstrator holding a placard reading ‘Protect Trans Kids’; around a thousand people demonstrated in Nantes (France) to defend the rights of transgender people on 26 May 2024,
Estelle Ruiz/Hans Lucas via AFP
‘The corruption is staggering. Chemically and surgically intervening to halt the normal sexual development of children is an extreme measure by any reckoning. In Europe, physicians and researchers have stepped back from permitting these treatments, out of concern for poor outcomes, and as the phenomenon of gender dysphoria in youth—which has skyrocketed over the past decade—is better understood.’

A major scandal has just broken in the United States. There is some doubt as to whether the media will cover it, because of what it reveals about the shocking politicization of medical science to advance the transgender agenda. But Hungarians should know about it, because it reveals just how far the LGBT movement and the Democratic Party will go to achieve their radical goals of sexually mutilating children.

Private e-mails from members of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), the international organization whose policies govern transgender medical care, show that Admiral Rachel Levine, a male-to-female transgender who is the Biden administration’s assistant secretary for health, lobbied the medical group to drop lower age limits for transitioning children.

Before Levine got involved, the WPATH draft guidelines recommended lowering the age minimums for hormonal treatments to 14, for removing breasts to 15, for cosmetic surgeries on faces or breasts to 16, and 17 for removing uteruses or surgically altering genitals.

Despite worries expressed by some WPATH policymakers that young patients are being harmed by ‘sloppy’ providers, and concern expressed that there is no scientific consensus on the use of puberty blockers, the age limits vanished from the WPATH Standards of Care (SOC 8) released in 2022—after Levine’s intervention on behalf of the Biden administration. The e-mails from WPATH officials, which emerged as part of a federal lawsuit, show that

Levine pressured the medical organization to revise its guidelines not for scientific reasons,

but for political ones.

All the e-mails can be seen in this court file. One of the internal e-mails, whose sender’s name was redacted, wrote to colleagues:

‘I have just spoken to Admiral Levine today, who—as always is extremely supportive of the SOC 8, but also very eager for its release—so to ensure [sic] integration in the U.S. health policies of the Biden government. So, let’s crack on with the job!!!’

Another e-mail said:

‘The failure of WPATH to be ready with SOC 8 is proving a barrier to optimal policy progress, and [Dr. Levine] was eager to learn when SOC 8 might be published.’

A third:

‘[T]his should be taken as a charge from the United States government to do what is required to complete the project immediately.’ 

And then there was this, also from a WPATH policymaker whose name was redacted:

Sarah Boateng, who is Adm. Levine’s chief of staff [said the] biggest concern is the section below in the Adolescent Chapter that lists specific minimum ages for treatment, she is confident, based on the rhetoric she is hearing in DC, and from what we have already seen, that these specific listings of ages, under 18, will result in devastating legislation for trans care. She wonders if the specific ages can be taken out and perhaps an adjunct document could be created that is published or distributed in a way that is less visible than the SOC8, is the way to go. 

The issue of ages and treatment has been quite controversial (mainly for surgery) and it has come up again. We sent the document to Admiral Levine…. She like [sic] the SOC-8 very much but she was very concerned that having ages (mainly for surgery) will affect access to health care for trans youth and maybe adults too. Apparently the situation in the USA is terrible and she and the Biden administration worried that having ages in the document will make matters worse. She asked us to remove them. We have the WPATH executive committee in this meeting and we explained to her that we could not just remove them at this stage.

The excerpts are legal filings in a federal lawsuit challenging Alabama’s ban on gender-affirming care. Dr. James Cantor, a Canadian psychologist and critic of transitioning children, submitted the documents to show the court that what WPATH says in public, and what it does in private, are different things. And he wanted to demonstrate that these medical experts make policy based not on science, but on politics.

‘Members of the WPATH Guideline Development Group went so far as to explicitly advocate that SOC 8 be written to maximize impact on litigation and policy even at the expense of scientific accuracy, Dr. Cantor wrote.

He added, ‘WPATH views evidence-based medicine as an obstacle to its policy goals, rather than as an important tool to ensure beneficent health care for patients.

The corruption is staggering. Chemically and surgically intervening to halt the normal sexual development of children is an extreme measure by any reckoning. In Europe, physicians and researchers have stepped back from permitting these treatments, out of concern for poor outcomes, and as the phenomenon of gender dysphoria in youth—which has skyrocketed over the past decade—is better understood.

Yet LGBT advocates at the senior level of the Biden administration, as well as in advocacy groups, apparently pressured scientists to downplay or ignore their concerns, and

make life-changing medical policies based on political goals.

If the Trump administration had successfully compelled climate scientists to ignore their professional judgment and change global standards to fit a political goal, the press would have gone into a five-alarm panic, and heads would have rolled. So far, the U.S. media landscape has been fairly quiet.

So much about transgender medicine is politicized. Five years ago, a physician working for a large urban hospital in the United States told me in an interview that the hospital’s management had ordered doctors to provide anyone requesting gender transition with their services—even if it violated their best professional judgment as a doctor. The physician would not allow me to use his name, out of fear for his job. As an immigrant from the Soviet Union, he marveled, with dark irony, that not even the Communists in his former country would have gone that far.

The Hungarian government has to endure frequent criticism from U.S. Ambassador David Pressman over its LGBT laws. In a speech delivered at a Pride event in Budapest recently, Amb. Pressman accused the Orbán government of trying to instill fear of LGBT people among Hungarians as part of an effort ‘to undermine democracy.

Citing the kind of slander he accuses the Orbán government of trafficking in, the ambassador said, ‘Those who live freely—are endangering children.

The truth is that those Biden administration bureaucrats who lie freely are endangering children. People like Admiral Levine and staff,

who press doctors and policymakers to concoct falsehoods about risks to children from medical transition,

and then traduce their professional integrity to lie to the public about what they have done—these are the real dangers to children.

Criticize the Hungarian government’s democratically drafted laws and policies all you want, but no Magyar child who experiences gender confusion as a youth, and who grows up to accept his natural gender identity—like the overwhelming majority of dysphoric kids do—will be able to blame Viktor Orbán because she no longer has breasts, or because he no longer has testicles, or because they have been permanently mutilated in the name of this false compassion.  

Who is living more freely—the Hungarian people, who have the right to make choices of what their children are exposed to about sex and sexuality in public schools and public squares; or the American people, whose government lies to them about transitioning youth, and in some Democratic-controlled states, reserves the right to seize so-called transgender children from their families to carry out these permanent mutilations?

This is not a question the U.S. media will permit the American people to consider. But Hungarians can—and must.  

Related articles:

US Embassy Pride Picnic: Tea Party on a Civilizational Titanic
Gender, Children and Family — Hungary Gets It Right While the U.S. Stumbles
‘The corruption is staggering. Chemically and surgically intervening to halt the normal sexual development of children is an extreme measure by any reckoning. In Europe, physicians and researchers have stepped back from permitting these treatments, out of concern for poor outcomes, and as the phenomenon of gender dysphoria in youth—which has skyrocketed over the past decade—is better understood.’