With global attention focused on the war in the Holy Land between the Israelis and the Hamas terrorists, it has been quite simple to forget of the constant Islamic threat in our own front yard.
On 10 November leftist Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) of the European Parliament, including those of Hungary’s Democratic Coalition and Momentum parties, voted down a proposal to put issues around Islamist terrorism in Europe on the agenda.
‘Europe’s left wing refused to talk about terrorist acts committed by migrants, while innocent Europeans are slain in the street…Forced immigration and the wave of terrorism sweeping across Europe are closely related’, said former Director of Communications of Fidesz-Hungarian Civic Union and MEP Balázs Hidvéghi.
Recalling the incidents in May 2021, where our European streets were marked with blood by so-called radicalized Muslims, one tragic event occurred in western France when an ex-prisoner on a watch list of potential terrorist threats stabbed a policewoman inside her station before being killed in a shoot-out with police.
In like manner, in Hamburg, Germany, also on the same day. a man repeatedly walked onto the road with a knife, threatening motorists. He damaged vehicles with his gun and shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (Allah is the greatest) several times. Then he attacked the police officers who had been called to the scene.
What the November decision of the EU Parliament refuses to admit, just as politicians and the mainstream media failed to disclose about the aforementioned assailants, is that
Muslim terrorists are encouraged to commit such atrocities by their own sharia law.
Indeed, it is their way of faithfully applying Quranic verses, such as:
‘Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land [bolded for emphasis]. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment; Except for those who repent before you apprehend them. And know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful’. — Sura 5, 33–34
‘And if you could but see when the wrongdoers are in the overwhelming pangs of death while the angels extend their hands, [saying]: “Discharge your souls! Today you will be awarded the punishment of [extreme] humiliation [death] for what you used to say against Allah other than the truth and [that] you were, toward His verses, being arrogant.”’ — Sura 6, 93
One can better grasp why Hamas, in coordination with the Islamic Jihad, carried out the atrocities on the 7th of October.
Part of the Islamic terrorist problem is due to the indoctrination Muslims have received, even from childhood, by imams in the mosques. So much so that the General Secretary of the Nahdlatul Ulama Supreme Council, the world’s largest Muslim organization, Imam Yahya Cholil Staquf, stated in 2018: ‘The problem lies within Islam itself.’
KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf’s message delivered to the Council of the European Union
KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf, General Secretary, Nahdlatul Ulama Supreme Council and Director of Religious Affairs, Bayt ar-Rahmah, addresses the Council of the European Union TWP (Terrorism Working Party), Brussels, Belgium.
The Mosque: Not Just a Place of Worship
As I mentioned in my book Islam: Religion of Peace? – The Violation of Natural Rights and Western Cover-Up, since the beginning of the seventh century, when the Prophet Muhammad began his mission, militant Muslim leaders have been waging a universal jihad around the world for the purpose of Islamic domination.
In response to the beheadings of Christians by Muslims in Paris and Nice in 2020, the French government launched a ‘massive and unprecedented’ wave of measures to combat what it calls Islamic ‘extremism,’ targeting seventy-six mosques suspected of ‘separatism’.
A mosque, to the common observer, is the physical place designed for Muslims to worship Allah. Yet throughout Islamic history the mosque has been the gathering place for the community of Allah’s faithful. Although all men are expected to pray inside a mosque, especially on a Friday (yawm al-jumu’a), they are not obligated to do so, since they can fulfil their duty anywhere they see fit. Keeping in line with male superiority, women are segregated in a separate area or are encouraged to stay at home to pray. A mosque, at the same time, represents something absolutely and radically different from a mere Muslim church or temple. It is also a place to indoctrinate innocent Muslims who only seek to give worship to their god, as with the case of the twenty-two-year-old man with plotting an Islamist terror attack with an accomplice in the country in 2020.
It said the man, who prosecutors said had converted to Islam in a Budapest mosque in June 2020, pledged loyalty to Islamic State in the spring of 2021.
The percentage of peaceful or moderate Muslims was never a determining factor in holy war because
peace and moderation are not congruent with the totalitarian directives of Islamists political goals.
As history has shown, its truculent leaders have continually followed the totalitarian mandates of universal jihad contained in them.
In 2017 former British ambassador to Saudi Arabia Sir William Patey has said that the kingdom had been funding mosques throughout Europe that have become hotbeds of extremism. His remarks came a day after the government published a brief summary of a Home Office-commissioned report into the funding of extremism in the UK. The full report was not published for security reasons.
It would be unjust to state that every mosque is an incubator for terrorist operations, just as it would be to say that every Muslim is a jihadist. In fact, the vast majority oppose violence.
Jihadists on the Front Lawn
The overwhelming majority of extremist and violent terrorist incidents do occur in largely Muslim states. The dilemma, as raised by the Hungarian MEP is when some of these Islamists migrate to our European homeland, they not only bring their poisonous tenets with them, they seek to poison their new European brethren with it. In addition, Hungary, notwithstanding Orbán’s tight immigration policy, is highly susceptible to terrorist attacks.
Unlike the terrorist György Budaházy, who was one of a number of prisoners pardoned by Hungarian President Katalin Novák before the Pope Francis’ visit early this year, those compelled to carry out terror attacks in the name of Islam are more challenging to tackle. This is primarily due to a lack of a litmus test that would pinpoint which Muslim is a jihadist. More so, since they are not stationary.
Former Deputy Director for International Affairs at the Antall József Knowledge Centre Zsolt Csepregi explains that Hungary is vital to jihadists, such as the Iranian-backed Hezbollah, due the country’s geographical position and the ‘flow security’ issues deeply involve the territory of Central European countries. This means that drugs and weapons smuggling, moving operatives between Western Europe and the Middle East, all must involve Hungarian territory to some level.
There will never be a full-proof manner in individualizing who within a Muslim community is a terrorist. At the same time, doing absolutely nothing, like the elite in Brussels does, only harbours Muslim jihadists in our front yard while they are preparing for the next attack.