Last week, the European Parliament accepted a resolution, with a 442–144 majority, that denounces Hungary for its alleged ‘deliberate and systematic efforts to undermine EU values’, while also officially raising concerns about the country’s upcoming presidency in the Council of the European Union, due to take place in the second half of next year.
Thankfully, one of the MEPs from the dissenting minority, the Dutch Rob Roos of the right-wing JA21 party, decided to come forward in defence of Hungary. He eloquently outlined what the problematic issues with the EP resolution are in a brief Twitter video.
He started by pointing out that there is no precedent for stripping a Member State of its right to take the rotating EU Council presidency when it is its turn. He then went on to speculate what’s the real agenda behind this push, saying:
‘There is no evidence that Hungary would not assume an objective and neutral role. However, objectivity and neutrality do not mean pursuing a left-liberal policy. Indeed, Hungary does not do that. It seems that that is the real objection to Hungary’s Council presidency.’
He also pointed out the hypocrisy in the EU’s action.
They are constantly accusing Hungary of not complying with their ‘rule of law standards’, while they fail to follow their own rules,
according to MEP Roos. He brought up the example of the shady vaccine deals EU officials made with major pharmaceutical companies, such as the American Pfizer, worth over €70 billion. Messages between the EU officials and the pharma representatives still have not been made public, despite the EU ombudsman urging the EU to do so. Also, the Union ignored for years their own ‘Dublin Regulation’, included in the treaties, which states that asylum seekers should be received by the first EU country they enter.
He ended his video message by saying:
‘My suggestion to my anti-Hungarian colleagues in the European Parliament: stop this campaign and work towards improving people’s lives. If Brussels truly wants to make the world a better place, it should start with itself.’
Rob Roos MEP 🇳🇱 on Twitter: “The political campaign against #Hungary’s EU Council Presidency is disgraceful. The #EU is eager to reprimand sovereign countries, but does not even adhere to EU law itself!My suggestion to anti-Hungarian Members of the Parliament: Stop this campaign and start working towards… / Twitter”
The political campaign against #Hungary’s EU Council Presidency is disgraceful. The #EU is eager to reprimand sovereign countries, but does not even adhere to EU law itself!My suggestion to anti-Hungarian Members of the Parliament: Stop this campaign and start working towards…
Eva Vlaardingerbroek also took to Twitter to voice her support for Hungary in the wake of the unfortunate developments. Vlaardingerbroek is a political commentator, also from the Netherlands, who was a frequent guest on Tucker Carlson’s top-rated news show when it was still on the air on Fox News. She went as far as saying that the so-called ‘Eurocrats’ are ‘terrified of Hungary’.
Eva Vlaardingerbroek on Twitter: “🇭🇺 The only reason the Eurocrats are frantically trying to block Hungary from taking over the EU Council’s Presidency is because they’re terrified of Hungary. Hungary embodies an attainable Christian Democratic alternative to the sick, warmongering, globalist agenda of the EU. / Twitter”
🇭🇺 The only reason the Eurocrats are frantically trying to block Hungary from taking over the EU Council’s Presidency is because they’re terrified of Hungary. Hungary embodies an attainable Christian Democratic alternative to the sick, warmongering, globalist agenda of the EU.
Both political figures who came to the Orbán administration’s defence are from the Netherlands—ironically, Sophie in ‘t Veld of Renew Europe, one of the most eager proponents of the resolution against Hungary in the European Parliament, is also Dutch.
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