Ursula Von der Leyen Re-Elected, Dealing a Blow to Conservative Values

Newly nominated for a second term as President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen (L) addresses a press conference at the end of the European Council Summit at the EU headquarters in Brussels on 28 June 2024.
John Thys/AFP
Ursula Von der Leyen has been re-elected as President of the European Commission by 401 MEPs who voted in favour. The conservative groups, that is, the ECR, Patriots for Europe, and Europe of Sovereign Nations voted against, as Von der Leyen and the EPP do not stand for conservative values and ideals any more.

Ursula Von der Leyen has been re-elected as President of the European Commission by 401 MEPs who voted in favour, while 284 voted against and 15 abstained from voting. The result was welcomed by the People’s Party, the Socialists and the Liberals, the three European political families that negotiated her appointment as President of the European Commission. However, not all members of the European People’s Party, Socialists and Democrats, and Renew groups supported the president.

Some forty MEPs from the Green group voted in her favour, as Von der Leyen promised to keep the objectives of the Green Pact intact. With their votes, they enabled Von der Leyen to pass the minimum threshold of 360 votes in favour to win the post.

The conservative groups of the ECR and Patriots for Europe voted against, even Fratelli d’Italia, which remained secretive until the last moment; we do not know if it was because it could not gain anything by Von der Leyen’s re-election or because of the alignment of the Greens with the President. The group created by AfD, Europe of Sovereign Nations, did not vote in favour of Von der Leyen either.

In any case,

this gives us a clear example of who Von der Leyen is and what the European People’s Party is.

A party that cannot even be called centre-right, rather centre. There is the famous Spanish proverb that says, ‘tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are‘. Nevertheless, I’m not at all surprised by the EPP’s shift, a shift that some of us have already been warning Europeans about, albeit it was a warning that not many listened to or wanted to listen to. A few months ago, Spanish MEP of the PP Estevan González Pons, in an electoral debate for the European elections, said: ‘In Brussels we are in a coalition with the Socialist Party. We have been a coalition for a long time with the PSOE and the Greens and we will continue to be a coalition with the Socialist Party and the Greens.‘

What does Von der Leyen’s return mean? Although I can explain it myself, the speech of Polish MEP Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik does it perfectly.

‘It is time for someone to tell you what the majority of Europeans think of you,‘ the Polish MEP began. ‘You are the face of the Green Pact…you are the face of all the EU’s climate follies…and finally, you are the face of the Migration Pact.‘

‘I am addressing you woman to woman. As mother to mother,‘ this is how Zajączkowska-Hernik questioned Von der Leyen regarding the Migration Pact. ‘Aren’t you ashamed of promoting something like this, which makes millions of women and children feel threatened on the streets of their own cities?‘ she continued. At this point, and to the applause of one part of the hemicycle and the booing of another,

the Polish representative has blamed the EPP for its migration policies:

‘You are responsible for every rape, every aggression and every tragedy caused by the influx of illegal immigrants.‘

Finally, Zajączkowska-Hernik ended her speech by looking at Von der Leyen, telling her that she ‘should go to jail, not to the presidency of the Commission.‘ She is not without reason, since a few days before the re-election, the General Court of the European Union ruled against the European Commission and annulled the decision of the Community Executive to limit access to information on the conditions of contracts for the purchase of vaccines with big pharma.

In short, Von der Leyen has again been chosen as the one who made a 10-year contract with the United States for gas, tripling the price. The one who gives money and armaments to Ukraine while indebting the EU. The one that signs the green pact, drowning the European countryside. The one who allies herself with the socialists, greens and liberals, while she is a member of the EPP. The one who supports bringing illegal immigrants to Europe and destroying the European identity. The one who persecutes Hungary and any other country that does not follow the 2030 Agenda.

The Great Mistake of the Traditional Parties of the European Right

Most of the parties that are part of the EPP have succumbed to the ideas of the left that have normalized homosexual marriage, abortion, gender ideology, abandoning Christianity, and the propaganda of the LGTB lobby in schools. They are no longer centre-right parties; some are now simply centre parties. Despite having great personalities, people with whom we can agree, they are usually a minority in those parties.

One of the big mistakes that all the European parties have made has been to completely disregard culture, traditions, Christianity, demographics, immigration, and how to approach these issues with policies. Mariano Rajoy in Spain, Sarkozy in France, Merkel in Germany, etc have been leaders who only cared about the economic factor and left all the social aspects aside, and what did the left do? They have taken advantage of it. They worked to be on television, to have their media, to set up their think tanks, to expand their ideology and normalize it, and that is the big problem.

The moment their discourse is normalized it is almost like fighting a losing battle,

since you have to disprove something that for ordinary people is a normal and generally good thing.

If the right, when it governs, only focuses on economy, which I am not saying is wrong, but if it leaves everything else for the left to control, then it is a mistake, since they shift the Overton window. Therefore, governing again for the right will be more difficult and not only that, but when they govern and have all the public money at their disposal, the left will make even more clientelistic networks so that their message will be even more pervasive. This is what the left has done all over Europe (and the whole world), pulling their strings so that little by little their message is accepted in society.

What should the right do? The EPP is practically unsalvageable as a right-wing party.

The new, truly conservative right-wing parties should emulate what Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz has done in Hungary or the PiS in Poland; DeSantis has already done it in Florida. Especially the Hungarian case: Hungarian-owned media, more right-wing media, not all universities influenced by the left, the protection of Christianity, not letting woke ideology and the LGTB lobby into schools, making illegal immigration have no place in Hungary, think tanks like MCC, Center for Fundamental Rights, Danube Institute… In short, fighting the cultural battle against the left so that society does not succumb to woke ideology.

We must not hide from the left, we must fight against it, and normalize our discourses in society.

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Ursula Von der Leyen has been re-elected as President of the European Commission by 401 MEPs who voted in favour. The conservative groups, that is, the ECR, Patriots for Europe, and Europe of Sovereign Nations voted against, as Von der Leyen and the EPP do not stand for conservative values and ideals any more.