Hungarian Conservative

Authors - Stageing: Ádám Bráder

The exhibition from the Seoul History Museum in Budapest presents the daily life and holidays of Koreans, as well as the system of values and symbols that permeates their society
The minister explained that the negotiations’ next phase, according to plans, will commence this Thursday. The goal of the government is to start the financing of EU projects as soon
The Collection of Hungarikums has expanded with two new additions. The Szekler gate and the lángos. With the two new additions, the number of elements in the collections raised to
At the exhibition organized in collaboration with the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy emphasized that currently only 0.1 per cent of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy
Hungarian President Katalin Novák hosted a gala dinner on Monday in Budapest to honour the two new Hungarian Nobel Laureates: Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz.
Viktor Orbán and Vladimir Putin last met in person on 1 February 2022 in Moscow, before the outbreak of the war on Ukraine. This time the two leaders discussed energy
Programme participants can choose from e-learning courses that run for four or eight weeks, covering subjects like modern history, economics, psychology, law, literature, and international relations. There is also a
Viktor Orbán stated in Beijing that during President Xi Jinping’s tenure, Chinese–Hungarian relations have reached ‘unprecedented heights,’ which is extremely beneficial for Hungary. Orbán expressed gratitude to his host for
In an interview with, President Novák stressed that the success of Hungary’s recent Nobel laureates is further proof that Hungary had and still has excellent teachers. She added that
The Festival of Lights is traditionally one of Berlin’s most spectacular community events in autumn. This year marks the 19th edition of the ten-day festival, with nightly projections taking place