Hungarian Conservative

Authors - Stageing: Ádám Bráder

In her remarks at the UN, the Hungarian President emphasized her intention to amplify the voices of those who endure war, recalling her recent visit to Ukraine. As her second
‘During his presentation at the media authority’s conference on the regulatory challenges of child protection, Levente Nyakas highlighted the importance of shared interpretations of media content and the world in
During the inauguration of the British-owned GKN Automotive Hungary Ltd. factory, the minister highlighted that the company, specializing in manufacturing automotive components, will serve BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Suzuki, and Volkswagen through
Michigan State University law professor Adam Candeub recently gave an interview to the Hungarian periodical Mandiner, in which he touched on a wide array of important issues, such as immigration,
According to Professor Bill Durodié, the report’s author, many questions in the Eurobarometer surveys primarily revolve around respondents’ perceptions of the European Union, its institutions, policies, and direction, and the
It is important that consumers who become victims of fraud receive assistance promptly, she said, stressing that if someone falls prey to a scam they should report the incident immediately,
’From now on, we don’t want to hear from the Americans about how democracy works here, how institutions function, or what the rule of law entails,’ Péter Szijjártó stated in
Szijjártó urged the start of genuine European Union accession negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia. He emphasized that Europe is facing extraordinary economic and security challenges, making the stability and
Iliana Ivanova remarked on the unfortunate situation where young people are missing out on opportunities, emphasizing, however, that ‘rules are rules and must be adhered to.’
The director of the Hungarian State Opera House, Szilveszter Ókovács, published a scathing response to the depiction by the Regensburg Theatre of a soon-to-premiere Péter Eötvös opera as a ‘bitter