Hungarian Conservative

Authors - Stageing: Ádám Bráder

Previously, there were discussions of buying out the airport with the participation of Hungarian private investors and major corporations, but despite reportedly advanced negotiations, the transaction was postponed in 2021
This is not the first instance of the ambassador offering an unsolicited opinion about Hungary’s past. Last year, he published a message regarding the 1956 revolution, drawing parallels with the
Addressing the conference of Hungarian chiefs of mission, President of the Republic Katalin Novák also spoke about Hungary’s commitment to the rights and language use of the Hungarian minority in
At the opening of the academic year of the University of Public Service, Balázs Orbán highlighted the importance of the state gaining the trust of its citizens and foreign partners,
‘Since the European Union currently refuses to contribute to the financing, Brussels has lost any right to intervene in where Central European countries, including Hungary, source their natural gas from,’
Szijjártó emphasized that Hungary wants a strong EU, but this is only possible if member states are strong enough. However, for this to happen, nations need to stick to their
The robust recovery of inbound tourism greatly contributed to the positive tourism results in July. Compared to the same month last year, nearly a fifth more foreign guests, totalling 900,000,
The credit rating agency expects a three per cent economic growth in Hungary next year, supported by strong exports, a high investment rate, and rising real wages.
Regarding their first product, beer mash granola, the founder and chief executive of the upcycling enterprise Ételmentő explained that beer mash, a by-product of brewing, was traditionally used as animal
Wine and sparkling wine consumption is declining in Europe, but in Hungary, it is fashionable to consume sparkling wine, and the industry is on the rise.