Hungarian Conservative

Authors - Stageing: Ádám Bráder

A heads-up to Lenny Kravitz enthusiasts. The funk-rock artist is returning to Budapest next summer!
A recent survey revealed that three-quarters of Hungarians (76 per cent) support the purchase of modern military technologies and the pay hike for soldiers, while two-thirds (69 per cent) are
Termed the ‘Oscars of tourism,’ this accolade not only crowns the Liget Budapest Project as Europe’s most comprehensive cultural urban development but also positions it as the paramount tourism development
For over 20 years, collectors have awaited the opportunity to once again acquire Gulácsy’s iconic masterpiece. In 2002, the painting’s emergence caused a sensation, disproving the assumption among art historians
Preparing for Christmas should not equal plenty of spending and waste: if we resort to the good old practices of our grandparents, we can be frugal and environmentally conscious at
Tibor Bolla, the CEO of the Budapest Transport Company revealed that the vehicles of the light fleet are adorned with more than five kilometres of LED lights, incorporating 140,000 LED
Following the proceedings of COP 28 online from Budapest, former Hungarian President János Áder stated that the goals previously articulated by the committee were accurate. Recognizing that 80 per cent
There have been misleading press reports suggesting that now Hungary lags behind Romania, based on Eurostat’s fresh data that say that in 2022, Hungary’s GDP per capita at purchasing power
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Friday said it was a mistake for the European Commission to be pushing for EU leaders to put Ukraine’s European Union accession on the agenda,
Speaking at the National Tax Consultation event organized by the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV), Finance Minister Mihály Varga stated that with the change in the tax authority’s mindset,