Hungarian Conservative

Authors - Stageing: Ádám Bráder

At a press conference in Budapest, producer Tamás Lajos disclosed that there are ongoing negotiations with international streaming services, expressing optimism regarding the film’s success abroad.
The artwork, also known as the Hungarian Mona Lisa, surfaced in 2005 after a century of obscurity but it did not stay in Hungary at that time.
According to the Commissioner for Human Rights, both the draft legislative package submitted to parliament and the government’s parallel proposal, which seeks to integrate the new office into the Fundamental
All three Hungarian hostages, a woman and two girls, who have been held by Hamas since 7 October have regained their freedom.
State Secretary Bence Rétvári highlighted several measures, including the reform of school catering, the expansion of sports opportunities, the introduction of the so-called ‘chips tax,’ and restrictions on the availability
According to information provided by Ágnes Hornung, state secretary responsible for families, this addition will bring the total number of main pillars supporting the Hungarian family support system to four,
The researchers affiliated with the applied chemistry department of the University of Debrecen have been engaged in a prolonged exploration of the usability of renewable energy and its storage possibilities.
Alongside the original copperplate prints by prominent illustrator János Kass, the exhibition will feature the animated film inspired by Madách’s The Tragedy of Man titled Dilemma, one of the earliest
According to the Hungarian government, ‘preserving the ethnic foundations is our joint responsibility’, and as long as that exists, the politics based on ethnic groups also has a future, the
As Budapest commemorates its 150th birthday this year, a grand celebration awaits all who join in the festivities.