Hungarian Conservative

Authors - Stageing: Gergely Dobozi

Instead of labelling it as a ‘Revenge Act,’ Klebelsberg President Gabriella Hajnal suggests it be called the ‘Career Path Act’ since it emphasises the importance of teachers and grants them
Uncertainty about a ‘Huxit’ scenario is not fuelled by the Hungarian Prime Minister but rather by EU bureaucrats using a one-sided interpretation of the rule of law. The Hungarian government
Reflections on how the European Commission selectively applies the rule of law conditionality procedure and manipulates public perception in this regard.
While many had hoped for a more balanced portrayal of Hungary’s legal system and reforms, the report still appears to maintain a negative image of the country.
Hungary should assert its national sovereignty and resist the imposition of global norms on aggressive sexual progressivism through UN documents, Austin Ruse, president of the Center for Family and Human
As concerns regarding Ukraine’s minority law continue to linger, FUEN President Loránt Vincze provides valuable insights into the Venice Commission’s recent findings and their implications for the fundamental rights of
‘Although the outcome is yet unknown, I think that any kind of ascent should start with the (re)construction of the infrastructure to connect the partners. After the completion of this
Hungary and Slovakia stand together in the EU when it comes to child protection and family policy, Slovak Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Milan Krajniak states. An interview
‘It is strange to see that some people in the West think that Hungary is reactionary simply because of having a sane family policy,’ Professor Daniel J. Mahoney opines. An
‘For us, every Hungarian child is a treasure, no matter where they are born in the world,’ Tünde Fűrész, President of The Mária Kopp Institute for Demography and Families says.