Jégbüfé acquired worldwide fame by taking part in the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair, where the famous ‘Somlói galuska’and the ‘Budapest cake’ were also presented….
Hungarian films have been participating in the American Academy Awards since 1965, but until now, only four Hungarian films have been awarded the highest accolade, even though we have had many nominations over the years. But which four films are…
‘Giorgia Meloni is clearly a woman of great ability who has risen from difficult circumstances to storm the corridors of power; but she is also a cultivated woman whose thinking does not run along ideological tramlines but adopts a humane…
Animatiqua studio used Fortepan’s photos to revive the old Budapest. Pictures of buildings, bridges and squares that can no longer be seen in their original form have been digitalised….
According to the latest poll of the Századvég Foundation, Milorad Dodik, the president of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, has a significant advantage in the campaign leading up to the presidential elections to be held in the Republika Srpska…
The ‘folding city’ scene of Inception merits a place among the most memorable film scenes of the last decade – let’s find out what Budapest would look in Christopher Nolan’s film….
The Budapest Unseen photo series presents the city and the urban greenery scattered around the buildings in a new, unusual, yet extremely interesting way….
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