It appears that the Biden administration’s policy to require Chinese nationals who wish to enter the US to provide a negative swab test, which does not guarantee they are Covid-free, is nothing else than a cover-up….
The Pontiff Emeritus, with his controversial Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, officially reintroduced the public celebration of the ‘Traditional Latin Mass’. He did not just restore the external beauty of the sacred liturgy, but he reminded us that contrary to so-called…
President Biden seems to personally gain if the war were to go on. It would continue to keep lawmakers and the mainstream media distracted from the corruption scandal that involves his son, Hunter Biden, with Burisma—an oil and natural gas…
Unfortunately, the light of the star that guided the wise men to the place where the Prince of Peace was born (Matthew 2, 1-12), which Charles spoke about, is being rejected by the warring parties. Like Herod who believed that…
Muslims do have an incredible veneration for the Mother of Jesus, as expressed in Persian art. However, there are two ‘Marys’: the Blessed Mother of Christ, and Maryam (Miryam), the prophetess of the Old Testament….
While the European Union is castigating Hungary, specifically with the recommendation to freeze €7.5 billion in funds over rule of law concerns, it has been abetting the Islamic Republic of Iran’s crimes against humanity—and the same can be said for…
A peaceful ‘cohabitation’ between the Christian West (whatever may be left of it) and Islam has been shown to be historically destructive. Unlike Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Western leaders and churchmen alike have continually turned a blind eye to…
Marriage is the mutual commitment of a man and a woman with the intention to accept the unity and indissolubility of the spouses, with the end of procreating and properly raising offspring. It is not the desire to emotionally and…
The claim by politicians that our outward actions do not have to reflect our conscience because they are afraid of ‘imposing’ beliefs on others—which they do not—is sanctimonious. In fact, it is their way of thinking and their legislation that…
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