Hungarian Conservative


The French Revolution, the Napoleonic wars, the emergence of capitalism, and the development of the first nation-states put both Protestant and Catholic churches in a position they could never have
‘The question I am left with about Hazony’s rediscovered conservatism is whether it is a conservatism that is, or could be, rediscovered, or is it a conservatism that has never
Galambóc (Golubac in today’s Serbia), still an imposing fortress on the banks of the lower Danube section, first appears in the annals of history when Turkish invasions approached and even
Silvana Heißenberg was a renowned actress in Germany until she publicly criticized Angela Merkel’s migration policy. Following this, she was labelled a Nazi, subjected to a smear campaign, and effectively
The 4 June conference organized by the Climate Policy Institute of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium focused on ESG and its effects on society, the economy, business and social perceptions.
The majority of the EU tries to alleviate the demographic and labour market challenges by promoting digitalization, increasing the activity of the over-65 age group and pushing back the retirement
Avi Benlolo of The Abraham Global Peace Initiative directed the film which showcases the terror of the villains, and the bravery of the heroes of the fateful 7 October attacks.
With 170 exhibitors, 150 stands, and over a thousand book signings, as well as panel discussions, book launches, and concerts, the 95th Book Week will welcome the public from 13
Keleti pioneered theatrical photography, capturing every significant moment of Hungarian stages. She documented rehearsal processes, the triumphs of premieres, and ventured behind the scenes.
At the award ceremony held in Singapore on 30 May, Hungarian real estate projects won three gold and one silver medal. The MOL Campus secured two first prizes, winning gold