Hungarian Conservative


It was an initiative where expert breeding and handling on three different continents that made this incredible success possible. Cudar, the third-placed Kuvasz, was bred in Brazil, with a Hungarian
Standing at sunrise on a rocky lookout point on the Gerecse mountain, listening to the babel of birds singing in the Bakony, reaching a small village in Zemplén at noon
Is 1 May is a communist holiday, a Catholic feast, a folk tradition, or a universal celebration of labour? Whichever way we look at it, what is certain is that
More than a hundred Hungarian films will be available on nineteen television channels, rarely seen Hungarian films will be screened in cinemas, and almost all streaming platforms available in Hungary
‘The approach advocated for by Tamás Sulyok is not the reverse of the European Court of Justice’s primacy over national constitutional courts. Contrary to the view of some misguided alarmists,
Refugee groups started trickling in after the catastrophic defeat of the Austro–Hungarian empire in the First World War and the dismembering of the historical Hungarian Kingdom, resulting in the loss
Boldizsár Nagy told M1 that the competitors were given a predetermined topic: the protection of civilians in an armed conflict and the role of youth in matters of peace and
Politics permeated St Adalbert’s tragic life as much as the birth of the then-nascent and emerging states of Poland, Bohemia, and Hungary. That is the way Adalbert became the patron
Shi’ism, as a branch of Islam, evolved through a Gnostic approach to God (i.e., having an intimate knowledge and spirituality with Allah and acknowledging a hierarchy of angels). Shi’ites, who
The former Head of Child safety lost her job at the tech giant for taking part in a sit-in protest against Google doing business with the Israeli government. However, a