Hungarian Conservative


Throughout the years, Hungary has produced a cornucopia of iconic, memorable cartoons, for both film and television, such as Marcell Jankovics’s TV series Magyar Népmesék (Hungarian Folk Tales, 1980–2012), or
During the excavations, experts uncovered and collected a significant quantity of human bones, finding intact or partially preserved skeletons in 18 sections.
The average twenty per cent salary increase applies to approximately 84,000 healthcare specialists working in outpatient clinics and hospitals, as well as around ten thousand professionals working in primary healthcare,
Sharenting, a portmanteau of sharing and parenting, refers to the practice of parents (or even grandparents) regularly sharing photos and information about their (grand)children on social media platforms. Some prefer
The combined effects of the expansion of women’s education from the beginning of the 1990s, and Act CLIV of 1997 on health, regulating infertility treatments, caused a significant increase in
Regardless of the season or century, the Gerbeaud House has always been one of the gems of the capital’s city centre. Both the beauty of the late Art Nouveau building
Vera Molnar (1924-2023) was a world-famous Hungarian-born French media artist and a pioneer of computer art. Her works can be viewed at the Hungarian Academy in Rome, the Falconieri Palace
‘Through the Kun and Jász peoples, this city still represents the Central Asian roots of the Hungarians today,’ Finance Minister Mihály Varga said at the inauguration, adding that herefore, the
The Budapest Architecture Film Festival is held between 7 and 10 March at the Toldi Cinema. This year’s motto, People Behind, highlights the numerous and passionate creative individuals who work
The high-profile conference on education continued with its second day at the MCC Budapest campus, with another slew of illustrious expert guests sharing their knowledge and opinions regarding the role