Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman have been awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their development of mRNA-based vaccine technology, which has been successfully used in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Over 30 years after the regime change, there are still hundreds of public places in Hungary named after people involved in the introduction and maintenance of 20th-century totalitarian regimes.
‘What’s particularly concerning is that our chances of detecting AI are getting slimmer. There’s already more content generated by AI than humans on the internet…This means that we will have to truly define for ourselves, what is ‘human’ anyway? This may well be the most important question of our time.’
The Rubicon Institute organized a large-scale conference on 23 September that focused on the reawakening of the century-old field of geopolitical thinking, shedding light on the connections between geographical conditions and political decisions.
In addition to popular and spectacular chemistry experiments and anatomical tours, for the first time, a rescue helicopter will also be featured among the attractions, landing in front of Debrecen University’s central building. There, organizers will demonstrate the rescue process and emergency care to the interested visitors. Work with therapy dogs will also be showcased in Hajdúszoboszló and Debrecen.
The legendary photographer passed away 83 years ago today. His ambition was not to commemorate the political elite, the aristocracy, or the world of finance of his time, but rather the contemporary intellectual giants of Hungarian society, the progressive Hungarian intelligentsia, and the luminaries of culture. Thanks to his professional expertise and empathy, his photographs captured the essence of the personalities of his subjects.
The event shed light on the how propaganda messages are being disguised as public opinion by European mainstream elites, and the intricate relationship between fear and politics in Europe.
Béla Bartók, one of the greatest musical geniuses of the 20th century, and his friend, another world-renowned giant of Hungarian music, Zoltán Kodály undertook together their major endeavour of national significance—collecting and publishing the full corpus of Hungarian folk songs.
The extreme judgements about Begin have often been motivated by political ambitions and therefore do not help historical clarity. 110 years after his birth it is time to appreciate his values while not turning a blind eye to his flaws either.
Missions Almost Impossible: the story of the Szent Jupát and Nándor Fa, the man who sailed around the globe five times, three times all by himself, and once when he was over 60 years of age.
The 26th President of the United States, one of the most popular and influential people to hold the office, Theodore Roosevelt became the first US President, incumbent or former, to set foot on Hungarian soil when he gave a speech in the Hungarian Parliament in 1910. He was invited by his friend Count Albert Apponyi, whom he had hosted in the White House for lunch in 1904.
Despite the Hungarian fervour and the crime plot introduced and dropped in the story, the film was no success. Hungarian viewers could not relate to the characters in a film portraying an overseas world.
Faludy, one of the greatest Hungarian poets and literary translators of the 20th century, never really found his place in any system; he sooner or later became a nuisance to everyone, and even if sometimes made compromises, always did so provocatively, originally and with talent.
24 September is the Feast of St Gerard in the Hungarian Catholic Church. St Gerard’s cult is still very much alive in Hungary: in the Hungarian Defence Forces, he is the patron saint of technical troops, and because of his significant literary activity, he is the patron of Catholic schools and teachers.
God’s miracles occupy an important place in the Holy Scripture, demonstrating the omnipotent might of divine intervention that rules over the laws of nature. In his book titled Miracles, author of the Chronicles of Narnia and accomplished theologian C. S. Lewis undertakes the formidable challenge of unravelling the philosophical essence of these miraculous occurrences.
Around 70 works from over 20 public collections of the great French painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir are now on display at the Museum of Fine Arts until 7 January 2024.
There are few sources to help us form an idea of what the garments of 16th century Hungarian Reformed pastors may have looked like. But there are some valuable artworks that provide important hints.
Szilvásvárad, the home of the nationally treasured Lipizzaner horse breed, has been announced as the new location of the event. In the past, the Gallop was organized in the capital city.
Simplistic labels like ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’ for a rules-based, nations-centric approach are to be rejected—one can learn from former foreign minister of Hungary János Martini’s new English language book Nation and Europe: In Lieu of Memoirs which was presented to the audience on 18 September at Danube Institute.
According to Áder, a viable solution in preventing a global climate disaster can only be reached through an agreement involving the G20 nations, wherein the preferred and sanctioned activities are outlined. He stressed the need for a well-monitored system that prioritizes long-term sustainability over competitive advantage.
At the event, President of the Hungarian Research Network Balázs Gulyás spoke about how this inaugural scientific workshop aims to be the flagship of the John von Neumann Programme. The plan is to organize international conferences like this every three months.
‘Nachtmann argues that due to the important role the state had in Hegel’s thinking, it can be described as having both right-wing and left-wing components. It, however, stands in stark opposition to liberalism.
For liberals, the individual is a phenomenon standing alone by itself, envisioned as isolated. However, for Hegel, individuals only existed as part of the community, family, and nation.’
The Milestone Institute recently hosted a public forum in collaboration with the Hungarian Youth Association, to present their respective findings on whether high-performing Hungarian students return home after finishing their studies abroad, as well as data on the career and mobility patterns of former Milestone Institute students.
In his introduction, Hölvényi emphasized that in recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic and wars have weakened people’s faith and religiosity. Rebuilding and strengthening faith will take many years of work, but change must always start from within, he noted.
The Budapest Treaty was a bilateral accord between Hungary and Czechoslovakia, aiming to establish the contractual framework for the construction of a complex waterworks system along the Hungarian–Czechoslovak section of the Danube. After Hungary unilaterally annulled the treaty signed on 16 September 1977, a complex dispute that has not been completely resolved to this day ensued.
Blue sky above, turquoise lake below, and between them, on the horizon, plenty of white sails gleaming in the distance. This is the image of Lake Balaton that millions of Hungarians have seen for generations, and which always draws them back to the shores of the ‘Hungarian Sea’.
István Bethlen was a dominant figure in early twentieth-century Hungarian politics. Contemporary conservatives have much to learn from him regarding consolidation, pragmatism, and opposing radicalism.
Despite all the uncertainties, the chronicle written by Master P., or as he is known to many because of the obscurity of his person since its discovery, Anonymus, has been one of the most important documents of the search for Hungarian historical consciousness and identity.
The question of what garments Protestant preachers should wear was a constant topic of the synods held in the 1500s, and all the articles, canons and law books attempted to make it unequivocally clear that pastors should perform their duties in ‘decent, regular, modest’ clothing.
Count István Tisza is still blamed by liberal and left-wing historiographers for Hungary entering WWI, despite clear evidence of his anti-war stance. It is rather anachronistic to hold Tisza to democratic standards that did not exist at the time and with the wisdom of hindsight: the knowledge of how the war ended.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.