The Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by the Soviet Red Army on this day in 1945.
The size of the Ukrainian trident compares to the magnitude of the massive Mukachevo castle the same way decades of Ukrainian rule compare to the one-thousand-year-old Hungarian history in Transcarpathia.
The abduction by the Soviets of Smallholder Party MP Béla Kovács marked the beginning of the consolidation of a Communist authoritarian regime in Hungary.
Constantin Schreiber’s novel is a work of fiction about Germany 30 years from now.
Exactly 200 years ago, on 1 January 1823, Sándor Petőfi, perhaps the most famous Hungarian poet, was born. To this day, he is such a dominant figure in Hungarian literature that his name is almost synonymous with the art of poetry.
Hungary’s national anthem, the Hymn was written 200 years ago by Ferenc Kölcsey.
In his books, Giesswein, although he devotes more space to the refutation of the egalitarian logic of collectivism, throws himself with at least as much radicalism into the denial of the wrong, anti-human approach of extreme individualism and laissez-faire capitalism.
Hungary’s greatest philosophical poet Imre Madách, author of The Tragedy of Man, was born 200 years ago today.
According to Firestone, ‘only through women rising up—like the proletariat—and seizing control of their bodies (e.g. the means of sexual reproduction) can the oppression of women finally come to an end.’ Transgender activists, too, have used this feminist rhetoric for their own agenda.
After NPR published an essay by author Maia Kobabe in which she spoke up against the removal of her book, containing illustrations of sex acts, from school libraries, contributor David Marcus called for the defunding of the radio in response.
To this day, neither the exact date nor the manner of the death of famous Hungarian novelist Jenő Rejtő is known. ‘P. Howard’ disappeared in a labour camp on the Eastern Front in early 1943.
The CMS is an annual event that brings together 150 top-tier Christian news executives and public opinion leaders worldwide for dialogue on key topics relevant to Israel and the Christian world. It aims to achieve a better understanding and strengthen the friendship and alliance between the State of Israel and Christians around the world.
Ancient Hungarian, protected breeds are raised at Hortobágy, including Racka sheep, Nonius horses and Hungarian Grey Steppe cattle.
Gáspár Miklós Tamás was an unconventional intellectual, one of the most famous Hungarian philosophers of the century and an important figure of the regime change years.
It may be surprising that Muslims could survive in a Christian kingdom for centuries, but their linguistic and religious separation was exactly why they did not threaten the predominantly Christian society.
The revenue of the Hungarian film industry hit record highs in 2022, while total registered spending exceeded 250 billion forints, a 20 per cent increase compared to 2021.
The losses that the Hungarian Second Army sustained in January-February 1943 represent one of the largest death tolls in Hungarian military history.
Instead of decoupling and returning to bloc politics, Hungary’s strategic interest lies in increasing connectivity.
Serving as the pope is one of the most demanding of any leadership position; at the same time, life expectancy is high, so the possibility of the resignation of a pope due to illness indeed comes to the fore.
Veszprém-Balaton’s year as European Capital of Culture will be dedicated to creativity, with art, music and gastronomy-related events being at the core of the programmes.
Ukrainians fire as much artillery ammunition in two days as US munitions factories produce in a month—and even so, they achieve only one-sixth or one-seventh the density of fire of the Russian artillery. The question is where the West will draw the line when it comes to feeding the insatiable Ukrainian war machine.
Paradoxically, Communist Béla Kun and the contemporary nationalist racists had more in common in terms of their views than the Communist leader had with the social-democratic and the left-leaning bourgeois émigrés.
Ukraine used to celebrate Orthodox Christmas Day on 7 January, but as a cultural shift away from Russia, Ukrainians are increasingly keen on celebrating Christmas in December.
Without support from the mother country, the fate of small village churches would be sealed, since the local communities have no resources at their disposal to renovate them, and the monument protection policies of neighbouring countries do not focus on these edifices.
On January 1, 2023, border controls were lifted on the Croatian-Hungarian border. As the Croatian seashores are one of the most favourite tourist destinations of Hungarian tourists, Croatia’s accession to the Schengen Zone is great news for Budapest.
As communist ideology considered religion, including Christian faith ‘the opium of the people’, as Karl Marx famously put it, its teachings were labelled harmful—and so was celebrating Christmas as a Christian holiday.
In the 1920s, seaplanes regularly took off the Danube in central Budapest, with passengers travelling on one-off and scheduled flights to several destinations within the country.
During the great show trials of the late 1940s and 1950s, the Communists often held small ‘side trials’, which provided ample opportunity to extract and collect further compromising data and testimonies against the primary targets, as well as to conduct silent showdowns and to set the course for later trials. This is how the Archbishop Grősz trial led to the arrest and imprisonment of some 50 people, including well-known Hungarian monarchists.
As Szentendre is located only a short distance from Budapest, the town is a perfect destination for a day trip—especially during the winter holiday season.
There is a myriad of Christmas carols, some of which come and go, but there is one familiar song that has been consistently among the top favourites of everyone who celebrates Christmas—and that is Silent Night.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.