The international celebrity last visited Hungary in 2010 when she directed her first film, In the Land of Blood and Honey. After 13 years, she is returning to Budapest to shoot a film about the world-renowned opera singer Maria Callas.
The Budapest World Championships set a new standard for everyone, and the numbers released by Nielsen support this statement. Based on data measured on-site by the company, it was revealed that spectators were ‘extremely satisfied to an extraordinary, unprecedented extent’ with the 2023 World Athletics Championship in Hungary.
The situation in Israel remains ‘extremely worrying’, with some areas practically in a state of war, Minister Szijjártó said, according to a statement by the Foreign Ministry. The Hungarian government’s top priority in such a case of emergency is to ensure the safety of Hungarians, he added.
László Sólyom is remembered for his significant role in Hungary’s transition to democracy and his dedication to upholding the principles of constitutionalism. His work as a legal scholar, his contributions to the National Round Table talks, and his leadership as the first President of the Constitutional Court have left a lasting impact on Hungary’s legal and political landscape.
‘It is important to note that all food and even water should be consumed in moderation,’ Secretary-General of the Hungarian Energy Drinks Association Sándor Csibi said, emphasizing that the association believes in protecting children from all health hazards, but in this case, they advocate for education and awareness instead of a ban.
Meanwhile, PM Orbán of Hungary offered his moral support for Israel, writing ‘our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Israel in these dark hours’.
State Secretary Balázs Hankó discussed recent efforts to strengthen international relationships, prepare for university collaborations, and launch successful applications for international funding in higher education, citing Hungarian Nobel laureates serve as outstanding examples.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, speaking in Granada at a meeting of European Union member state leaders, asserted that there is no hope for an agreement among the heads of state and government on the issue of migration.
Hungary marks a solemn occasion on 6 October: the nation remembers the courageous military leaders of Hungary’s anti-Habsburg revolution and war of independence who were executed on this day in 1849.
Tibor Navracsics claims the Hungarian government has fulfilled all the criteria set by the EU Commission to access the funds, and could be receiving actual money transfers from Brussels as early as November.
Hungary has been a committed promoter of the European Union’s enlargement in the Western Balkans, and sees it as a fundamental interest of European security and economy, Judit Varga, a Fidesz lawmaker, told Hungarian news agency MTI after talks in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In his meeting with the President of the European Council, Orbán reiterated Hungary’s position on issues such as EU funds for Hungary, the increasingly serious migration crisis at the continent’s borders, Europe’s economic and competitiveness decline, and the EU budget.
Despite the sanctions and the war driving up energy prices, the Hungarian measures to combat inflation and price increases are undeniably working. While EU countries scramble to look for new avenues to import electricity and gas, the Hungarian plans and contracts have managed to keep energy prices at affordable levels for citizens.
Fidesz-KDNP MEPs spoke out firmly against the mandatory distribution of migrants in the EU following the debate on the new EU asylum and migration package in the European Parliament. ID and ECR MEPs expressed the same sentiment to the Hungarian press.
According to data provided by the Slovak Ministry of the Interior, the number of illegal migrants arriving in Slovakia through the Western Balkans route began to significantly increase in August of last year. From the beginning of this year up until now, nearly 40,000 illegal immigrants have entered the country, which is 11 times more than during the same period last year.
Hungary is actively working to prevent a humanitarian crisis in Chad, recognizing the potential repercussions for all of Europe. State Secretary responsible for aiding persecuted Christians Tristan Azbej highlighted the Central African country’s crucial role as a stable state in a volatile region which faces a growing influx of refugees.
Hungary’s commitment to national security remains unwavering in the face of 21st-century challenges, Minister of Defence Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky stated at the inauguration of the new Cyberspace Operations Centre of the Military National Security Service.
Hungary supports all initiatives for maintaining dialogue aimed at de-escalating the conflict and finding a peaceful resolution, Minister Bóka told the French weekly Le Point in an interview, referring to the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh.
The assistance provided by the Hungary Helps Programme will be directed towards Armenian nationals who have had to flee the Karabakh due to the escalation of the conflict that has been ongoing for three decades. The Interchurch Aid and the Hungarian Lutheran Church have also initiated a solidarity fundraising campaign.
In his remarks at the inauguration of a new granulation plant established by Swiss Omya in Eger, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó highlighted that this year a record €6.5 billion worth of foreign investments have materialized in Hungary, demonstrating that international trust in the Hungarian economy remains unbroken.
In addition to the Hungarian leadership, from 2024, the Hungarian Defence Forces will contribute with additional forces to Operation Althea including helicopter airlift and bomb disposal capabilities.
After the announcement yesterday of Katalin Karikó being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2023, a wave of congratulations poured in from Hungarian politicians. She also shared some thoughts about her scientific journey and life philosophy in a brief, first telephone interview.
Viktor Orbán has firmly stated that Hungary will not approve any EU budget increase until its access to the withheld funds is reinstated. The EC may now be willing to release the frozen funding to gain Budapest’s support for an increase in the EU budget to secure more financial aid to Ukraine.
OTP Bank made several commitments regarding its future plans in the Russian market in an agreement concluded with the Ukrainian National Agency on Corruption Prevention, mediated by the European External Action Service. The Ukrainian authorities have removed the bank from the list of international sponsors of the war, and stated that now they expect OTP Bank ‘to promptly adhere to the agreement.’
In response to a query by Breitbart, the US State Department has confirmed that Gonzalo Lira is still detained in a Ukrainian prison. Lira is a Chilean–American citizen journalist who was arrested in May for allegedly spreading Russian propaganda in Ukraine, and tried to flee to Hungary in August while out on bond.
The director of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) András Balatoni explained that the strict monetary policy, decreasing global commodity prices compared to last year, restrained consumption, and market-boosting measures by the government are increasingly exerting a disinflationary effect.
‘The clashes are ongoing, there is no harmony, they were sent here to carry out the school’s death sentence’, Pál Popovics, an informatics teacher at the school said.
Hungary and Slovakia recently signed a cooperation agreement on nuclear energy with the goal of coordinating research between the two countries and making joint efforts to apply the latest technologies.
The data demonstrates an increase in both marriages and the proportion of those with children among people under 30, while at the same time shows an overall aging trend in Hungarian society.
In an interview with Fox News Digital, Minister of Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó praised the Trump era initiatives at the Southern border of the United States, likening it to the fence between Hungary and Serbia; he also stated that without physical infrastructure protecting the border a country is ‘defenceless’.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.