In a Facebook post on Friday afternoon, Fidesz’s parliamentary group leader Máté Kocsis said his party is backing Finland’s accession and that the vote in parliament to ratify it would be held on 27 March.
Originally, the Romanian Football Federation awarded a 3-0 victory for Sepsi OSK after the game played in late January had to be called off due to anti-Hungarian chants from the visiting Craiova fans. However, the decision was overturned on appeal and the match had to be replayed — which Sepsi won by an even bigger margin on the pitch, 4-0…
‘We believe in connectivity, relationships, and cooperation based on mutual respect. I think the Organization of Turkic States is an excellent example of all this because it includes Caucasians, Central Asians, and Europeans, and we all know how to cooperate with respect,’ Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó told the audience at an event in Ankara, Turkey.
As customary, this year, too, all major party leaders in Hungary delivered remarks. The messages of the various politicians on the lessons for today of Hungary’s revolutionary and heroic past could not have been more diverse.
At the meeting, the parties agreed to strengthen cooperation. They also shared the view that government support needs to be provided in order to protect Hungary’s strategically important automotive industry and preserve jobs.
‘Every investment that started with the support of the Hungarian government will be completed, whether it is the construction of a kindergarten, nursery, school, university, community spaces, or the renovation of a church.’
The Prime Minister reminded that when asked what gives higher meaning to finite life and to the homeland, Petőfi provided the answer: ‘Stand up, Hungarian! Shall we be slaves or free? Long live the free and independent Hungary!’
As part of the new cooperation agreement between the two institutions, each year four researchers from the Heritage Foundation will visit Budapest and work with the Danube Institute as visiting researchers.
As part of the ‘DiscoverEU’ programme within the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, more than 212,000 tickets have been distributed in the previous seven application rounds, and almost 25,000 Hungarian applicants have been allocated nearly 5,000 passes.
The Orbán administration has committed to spending at least two per cent of the country’s GDP on defence by the end of 2024, a commitment made in 2014 by all NATO members but something many NATO countries have not yet honoured. Hungary, in fact, is set to achieve the two per cent threshold by the end of this year, before the deadline.
The working dinner was held at the Élysée Palace, where Macron received the Hungarian Prime Minister in front of the press at around 7:30 p.m.
The Strasbourg-based Council of Europe welcomed the positive changes in Hungary since ECRI’s latest report adopted in 2015. However, ECRI also expressed concern about legislative changes that in their view ‘seriously undermine the human rights of LGBTI communities’ and about measures taken during the emergency period declared during the coronavirus pandemic.
By law, the Anti-Corruption Task Force prepares a report by 15 March each year and submits it to the government, which discusses the proposals within two months. If a proposal is rejected, the government informs the task force’s chairman of the reasons for its decision. This year’s full document will soon be available on
‘The pro-peace stance of Hungarians remains unchanged and the majority reject proposals that carry the risk of making peace impossible,’ Századvég wrote in an analysis of the responses to their recent poll.
In his regular Friday morning interview on public radio, the Prime Minister said that he believes this is the closest the world has ever been ‘to a localised war turning into a world war’.
Gergely Gulyás stated that the government believes that it is necessary to prepare for a protracted war and that economic difficulties persist due to the sanctions. He added that Hungary’s position is clear: Hungary condemns Russian aggression and provides humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.
‘Today I filed a counterclaim to the Court of Justice of the European Union over the infringement procedure on Hungary’s Child Protection Act. We continue to stand by our conviction and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union that education is a national competence and that parents have the right to decide on the upbringing of their children,’ Justice Minister Varga announced on Facebook.
The Center for Fundamental Rights carried out a survey in the wake of recent scandals involving underage victims. Here’s what they found.
The train carrying around 1,000 Ferencváros fans to the Europa League match in Leverkusen was stopped by German police at the Czech-German border. According to one witness, the fans were told they pose a threat to Germany.
‘Hungary must be a country that can have Hungarians do all the work that needs to be done in this country. If it’s uncomfortable or difficult, we need to pay more for it. If we have exhausted all of these options, then we can talk about guest workers. They can stay for a definite period, and their employment can be terminated if necessary, otherwise, we will lose our security,’ Viktor Orbán underlined.
Hungarian President Katalin Novák met with Ron DeSantis, the Governor of the State of Florida, on Tuesday in Tallahassee. The two discussed, among other issues, the importance of the protection of traditional values and families.
National Bank Governor Matolcsy reminded that during the coronavirus pandemic, the crisis was successfully managed thanks to the joint effort of the government, the central bank, the banking system, the business sector, and families, and the crisis was solved within fourteen months.
‘We cannot effectively support women until we take into account that most of them are or will become mothers,’ President Novák said, emphasising that she herself is a mother of three. She added: ‘We can command armies, govern states, but we are truly indispensable only to our own families. There, and only there, are we irreplaceable.’
Last year there were only 99,000 applicants, and the increase indicates that the higher education system has become more attractive, Minister Csák said.
According to seasonally and calendar-adjusted and balanced data, the performance of the economy increased by 0.8 per cent compared to the same period of the previous year, while it decreased by 0.4 per cent compared to the previous quarter.
During his visit to Kenya, Hungarian House Speaker László Kövér expressed his recognition of the progress that Kenya has made over the past decades and of the stabilising role that the country plays in the East African region.
The recent measure of Moscow challenges the Western media’s portrayal of Hungary and Russia as having a uniquely friendly relationship.
‘Hungary’s political leadership is strong enough to keep our country out of the war. I say this in all humility, but also with confidence,’ the Prime Minister declared.
Hungary‘s supreme court ruled that MTI had the right to refuse to publish statements from the Democratic Coalition, and that the Act on Media Services and Mass Communication does not guarantee anyone carte-blanche to demand publication of a specific statement via MTI’s service.
According to recently released data, approximately two million Ukrainian refugees have fled to Hungary since the Russian aggression.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.