How long do we have to put up with the relativisation of the Holocaust, and the irresponsible usage of the ‘Nazi’ attribute? Does the wish to overthrow Viktor Orbán really justify anything now?
As the Georgian government dropped the country’s foreign agent draft law due to protests, Republika Srpska announced the implementation of a similar law. Hungary was again condemned in the international media for introducing a piece of legislation in 2017 by the same name—without assessing either the content of the Hungarian law or reminding their readers that it was revoked in 2021.
Regrettably, the US-led West’s ‘war fever’ Orbán spoke about has profound roots. A clear example of this was what led to the First World War.
‘The significance of Western arms donations is grossly overestimated. This is not helped by a Western press that has sunk to the level of the Pravda, stifling even the slightest attempts at sober analysis and objective discussion.’
Beinart’s reasoning strongly echoes the views of anti-Semites, who also argue that Israel can never be a democracy because of its Jewish character. Their argument goes something like this: Jews are incapable of running a country and, because they don’t want to work, they can only survive by oppressing non-Jews. This view, incidentally, also appeared in German propaganda in the 1930s.
Russia’s military presence in Crimea is a major element in Moscow’s efforts to project power in the Black Sea region and beyond, and the annexation of the peninsula has given it a strategically valuable foothold in the area.
Despite the continual support and humanitarian aid provided by Hungary, serious anti-Hungarian voices and resentment of Hungary still appear in the Ukrainian media.
How come, compared to what is going on in Western Europe, Hungary seems to be an island of peace for gay and trans people? How can it be that the Hungarian government is constantly accused internationally of homophobic campaigns, yet it is not here that the murders and rapes, the thousands of atrocities that occur every year, happen, but in the liberal West?
Planned Parenthood was founded by enthusiastic eugenicist Margaret Sanger in 1916. Sanger’s racist views were well-established, declaring that ‘minorities (including most of America’s immigrants) are inferior in the human race, as are the physically and mentally handicapped.’
In preparing for the tumultuous years to come, a strong emphasis on developing and training native talent, and raising up a generation of leaders capable of serving their country well, will put Hungary in the best position for navigating this unexpected new world.
In the coming years, thousands, if not millions, will fall prey to the misguided promise that surgeries, hormones, and drugs can alleviate their feelings of self-alienation. So, conservatives, let us come alongside those people with compassion and wisdom. But let us also not lose sight of the conservative vision of culture that is our lode star.
‘God transcends His creation and He must be accepted as He has revealed Himself in Holy Writ. This means that it is not up to human beings to adapt its terminology to what is trendy or politically correct, especially if the substance of revealed truths, as we Christians—and I also speak as a Roman Catholic priest—hold dear, are altered.’
The erosion of the seemingly unquestionable, intrinsic value of life is gradual and stealthy, and those who express concerns about that are often dismissed as pro-life fundamentalists.
A theatre in Toronto decided to put on two plays under their ‘Blackout Night’ event, intended for a black-only audience. This was not the first instance of segregationist efforts resurfacing in North America.
Instead of testing Russia’s willingness to allow the crossing of what for now are soft red lines, the West should start thinking about how peace could be achieved.
In other words, this book is an indoctrination of the LGTBQ+ lifestyle aimed at children with the intention to destroy their childhood in the most deceitful and perverse manner.
Up to 40 countries could boycott the Paris Olympics unless Russian and Belarusian athletes are completely banned. The calls for a ban disregard the premise that no one should be discriminated against based on their citizenship.
Loved and criticised, enjoyed and hated — the university experience is different for everyone. For Hungarian students, recent years have been a rollercoaster. With more changes in higher education coming, it is time for some stocktaking.
‘Central Europe is a natural corridor between the two superpowers, forming a buffer zone. In the last thirty years, it seemed that the leading politicians of the countries in this region clearly saw and understood what they could and could not do.’
Ideologies offer a simplified, one-dimensional view of the world. In reality, international relations are determined by a multitude of complex factors, and are often based on pragmatic considerations.
The debate here is not one of having a strong military, which, to borrow President Woodrow Wilson’s famous phrase, is necessary to make ‘the world safe for democracy’. Rather, it is how military expenditure, or militarism, becomes an end in itself.
Over the last couple of years, Chinese investments have greatly contributed to economic growth in Hungary, in sectors ranging from cargo transport to battery manufacturing.
The real danger is not posed by those who would like to embellish public opinion of themselves with bribes, but the external and internal powers that can easily dictate to EU policymakers.
This is no ‘journalism’—these are the tactics of the CIA and the KGB described in Cold War history books, played out in the 21st century in domestic contexts.
Since all of Tate’s views greatly rely on blaming a system that intentionally represses their ‘truth’, censoring them only adds fuel to the fire.
There should be no doubt: images of German tanks making their way across Ukrainian mud to kill Russians would increase the popularity and legitimacy of President Putin’s war.
Retirement generates an income loss in all countries. However, Hungarian employees suffer the smallest decline in living standards after retirement in the whole of Europe.
The conscious undermining of the Christian religion, which has been going on in the public discourse for many decades now, has reached its goal. Nothing is sacred anymore.
Although the war on the Ukrainian front is at a standstill at the moment, in the hinterland the West has won a brilliant victory in the heroic fight against Russian culture.
It is not only British Conservatives, but members of the liberal opposition, too, who are alarmed by the move. Even Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party came out in opposition to reducing the age limit for legally changing one’s gender.
Hungarian Conservative is a quarterly magazine on contemporary political, philosophical and cultural issues from a conservative perspective.