Search results: viktor orban

Képernyőfotó 2022-03-31 - 8.04.01

Protecting the Values of Creation Is a Shared Task

Conservative forces in Europe and outside the continent need to work together because the values we hold dear are under global attack. These are the values that underpin
the greatness and prosperity of our civilization.


REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW Economist Sven R. Larson: ‘Hungary deserves respect, not critique’ from EU ‘Since Viktor Orbán became prime minister, his country has had one


POLITICS POLITICS POLITICS Stormy Waters: What Impact Could Red Sea Tensions Hold for Europe? The international coalition led by Washington appears to be incapable of


CURRENT CURRENT CURRENT Migrant Fine to Be Deducted from Hungary EU Funds? The European Court of Justice issued a €200 million fine, as well as