Search results: CPAC Hungary

A woman reading the Bible/Pixabay

The West’s War on Christianity: Banning Praying and Sharing the Gospel Publicly

As British MP Ian Paisley Jr phrased it, ‘In recent decades, a new language and culture, foreign to the principles and freedoms that have characterised our shared values for generations, have been thrust upon us. The language contains familiar words but with new, enforced meanings: we are under pressure to assimilate new definitions of concepts like “tolerance”, “diversity” and “progressiveness” when it comes to free speech and dissenting opinions.’

Strengthening Families Empowers Nations

‘Supporting the institution of marriage and families promotes social stability. Families provide the foundation for the social fabric of a society; when families are healthy and well-functioning, they provide a sense of belonging, instil values of respect, responsibility, and empathy, as well as provide basic education for children.

The Challenge of Upholding Democracy

A major problem with the structure of the EU is that it is not fully based on representative democracy. A case in point, notwithstanding the fact that EU Parliament members are elected by the citizens of the member states, EU leaders picked Ursula von her Leyen to replace Jean-Claude Juncker as the leader of the European Union’s executive branch behind closed doors.