Hungarian Conservative

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This Is How Hungary Celebrated Its 1023rd Birthday

Our nation marked the 1023rd anniversary of the foundation of its state. Celebratory events were held all across the country, from Esztergom to Debrecen, with the greatest festivities taking place in the capital city of Budapest. There, the holiday crowd was treated to an Air Show by the pilots of the Hungarian Air Force and Europe’s largest fireworks and lights show, among other things.

Matthias Corvinus of Hungary — A Ruler Straddling Two Epochs

His courtly representation, international Gothicism, and the reception of the Renaissance in Hungary can be considered Matthias’ most brilliant achievements, which were also highly appreciated by his contemporaries. It is undoubtedly a unique phenomenon of 15th-century Hungarian history that the Italian Renaissance had such a great impact in the country.

A Road to the Holy Land — The 11th Century Pilgrimage Route Through Hungary

‘The significance pilgrimages had in terms of building clerical and diplomatic relations cannot be overlooked either. A whole slew of abbots, bishops, future archbishops, historians, poets, theological thinkers, and monks later canonised as saints visited Hungary. They brought highly cherished relics, luxury items of the East, and—not least—news with them.’

The Li-2 passenger plane of the Hungarian-Soviet Civil Aviation Corporation (MASZOVLET) with the registration number HA-LIA at Budaörs airport.

Criminals or Defectors? — The Story of a Hijacking in 1956

A short story of a group of desperate young Hungarians who in 1956, disillusioned with socialism, overpowered the passengers and the secret agent on a plane, successfully flew it to Germany, and the leaders of whom eventually became members of the US military.

MCC’s Free of Charge Talent Development Programme Attracts Large Number of Applicants

‘The goal of the MCC is for young people’s education to depend not on their financial situation but solely on their abilities and motivation,’ and to allow talented Hungarian students to utilise their enhanced knowledge acquired during foreign studies responsibly for the benefit of their country and local communities, Mathias Corvinus Collegium said in a statement calling for applications to their programmes.

The Risk in Not ‘De-Risking’ with China

‘There is also a way to deal with the world’s largest economy, for the US Dollar (USD) is not going to decline anytime soon. Those who claim that the USD is in decline often argue that for centuries, reserve currencies have risen and fallen in tandem with their home economies. As the US’ share of the global economy diminishes, economists argue, so too will the USD and its global hegemony. A fascinating yet hardly conclusive argument since there has never been a dominant global reserve currency prior to the USD. Quite the contrary, the USD is the only currency ever to have played such a pivotal role in international commerce.’

Heavy traffic at the Buda bridgehead of Margit bridge on 1 May 2023.

How Much Noise Do We Live With? — An Interview with Mihály Berndt on an Invisible Danger

‘Today, in Europe, noise ranks second after air pollution in terms of environmental damage that causes death, and this cannot be taken seriously enough. Perhaps we underestimate the magnitude of this problem because it is not like a factory chimney blowing smoke, an oil slick floating on the surface of the water, or the garbage that covers our neighbourhoods. It is invisible.’