Search results: Child Protection


About Hungary’s New Anti-pedophilia Bill

The Hungarian government does not link pedophilia to issues of sexuality and gender because it wants to criminalize LGBT people in the eyes of the public, but rather because protecting children does not end with stopping sex offenders.

Viktor Orbán on 23 October: ‘History may overflow its banks again’

During his speech on the 68th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán warned against foreign control, vowing to defend Hungary’s sovereignty. He emphasized the importance of national unity in the face of external pressures, and stated that Hungarians will not tolerate Hungary being turned into a puppet state of Brussels.

Police gather at the scene of a shooting in Brooklyn that left one person dead in New York City, USA, 16 June 2022.

Soros’s Rogue Prosecutors

‘There have been too many victims of too many crimes in too many cities across our country as a result of this radical, anti-democratic, warped version of justice. The best way to defeat a Soros-funded or inspired rogue prosecutor is not to elect one in the first place. Public safety in the United States depends, in large part, on who occupies the office of the local district attorney.’

Air Quality Significantly Improves in Hungary Thanks to Government Measures

Thanks to comprehensive government measures, the amount of particulate matter (PM10) in Hungary’s air has significantly decreased in recent years, with levels now meeting EU standards nationwide. Data from the Hungarian Meteorological Service reveals clear improvements in air quality, particularly in high-risk regions. The Ministry of Energy attributes this success to extensive emission reduction programmes and ongoing environmental initiatives.

Attendees light candles in memory of the victims of the 7 October terrorist attacks in Budapest on 7 October 2024 outside the Dohány Street synagogue.

Hungary Remembers 7 October: ‘We will never forget the victims’

‘Instead of looking for explanations as to why this terrible thing happened, I suggest that we respond to death with life and fulfil everything that was not given to them, to those who died on 7 October. The murderers robbed them of their dreams, their hopes and their future; we have only one answer: let’s stand up together for them!’, Andor Grósz, President of the Federation of Hungarian Jewish Communities said at the Dohány Street synagogue commemoration in Budapest.

Viktor Orbán Delivers Passionate Speech at Salvini’s League Rally

‘At the end of this struggle, we will turn Paris around, reclaim Warsaw, and become the largest political force in Europe. Then we will take control of Brussels politics and restore Europe to greatness—strong, prosperous, and free once again,’ Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán emphasized in his speech at Matteo Salvini’s League rally.

How to Tackle the Devastating Effects of the European Green Deal?

‘We all want to leave our children a world worth living in. There is no dispute about this among the members of European nations. Protecting the created and built world is not only our goal but also our duty. But to do so, we need sensible solutions. Firstly, we need to involve all stakeholders. The voices of those who bear the burden of the green transition must also be heard and listened to.’

Young People Crave Real Communities Despite Extensive Online Presence

Despite spending a significant amount of time online, young people, particularly Generation Z, feel the absence of real communities, according to Zsófia Nagy-Vargha, Deputy State Secretary for Youth Affairs. Addressing the Digital Child Welfare Conference in Budapest, she emphasised the need to reduce digital dependency and promote more meaningful, in-person interactions among the youth.