Search results: Le Pen

Meeting of King Ladislaus IV of Hungary and Rudolph of Habsburg on the Battlefield of Marchfeld by Mór Than, 1873

Battle on the Marchfeld: Victory of Rudolf I of Habsburg and Ladislaus IV of Hungary over Ottokar II of Bohemia

Although it must be acknowledged that King Rudolf of Germany owed his victory primarily to his perseverance and strategic talent, there is no doubt that the Hungarian auxiliaries compensated for the small size of his army and seriously confused the Bohemian King Ottokar II. It is highly probable that without the thousands of Hungarian auxiliaries, the German King would not have undertaken the clash at the time and place he did.

Hungary’s First Smart Kindergarten Opens Its Doors

Hungary’s first smart kindergarten has opened its doors, providing children with the opportunity to learn the skills they need to start school in the most modern conditions. However, the kindergarten is not just smart in terms of its equipment; the education offered is also digitally focused and tailored to meet the demands of the digital age.

Pompeiian fresco depicting a multigenerational banquet or family ceremony (before 79 AD). Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples, Italy

Family Politics: The Role of the Family in Political Thinking

‘Families are the foundation for coherent political communities. Indeed, they are the foundation for nations. Nations are usually tied together by a set of common origins based on history, geography, traditions, and blood ties. A person’s ties to their nation are usually familial ties, primarily shaped by the home they grow up in.’

Hungarian secondary school student Levente Varga at the North Pole as part of the Rosatom ‘Icebreaker of Knowledge’ expedition on 17 August 2024

Hungarian Student Reaches North Pole in Rosatom Scientific Expedition

Alongside students from 14 other countries, a Hungarian student is participating in a scientific expedition to the Arctic, sponsored by Russia’s Rosatom. The expedition aims to equip participants with a broad range of knowledge about the northernmost region of our planet. On 17 August Levente Varga raised the Hungarian national flag at the North Pole, which he described as the experience of a lifetime.

The End of the One-Party System in America: The Election of 1824

In 1824 Andrew Jackson received both the most popular votes and the most electoral votes in the presidential election. However, since he failed to win a majority of the latter, the decision went to Congress. There, his nemesis, House Speaker Henry Clay used his influence to get John Quincy Adams elected instead of Jackson, for which President Adams rewarded him with the Secretary of State position in a ‘corrupt bargain’. The furious Jackson came back to defeat Adams in the 1828 election, then founded the Democratic Party in 1832, the party that occupies the White House today.

Prester John of the Indies. Close-up from a portolan chart. Shelfmark: MS. Douce 391. (by unknown author, late 16th century)

The Legend of Prester John

‘This priest-king, of reputable phenomenal wealth and power, who was thought to reign somewhere in the East, galvanized monarchs and explorers throughout the High and Late Middle Ages up to the early Modern period just as the mythical city of El Dorado had done for the Conquistadores. The consensus, however, among medievalists is that the story seems to have originated during the twelfth century. The narrative of Prester John had the practical effect of reinforcing the religious stamina of the crusaders by holding out the promise that a fabulously rich and mighty oriental king-priest was due to march against Islam from the East in support of his fellow Christians.’

Historical Films on Public TV Scheduled for 20 August National Holiday

The M5 channel will be airing such films as the 1996 historical drama about the Magyar tribes settling into the Carpathian Basin titled The Conquest (Honfoglalás), and the 2023 documentary The Rise of the Árpáds (Az Árpádok felemelkedése). Meanwhile, the commercial TV channel TV2 will have the 2023 historical drama Now or Never! (Most vagy soha!) about a different, but equally significant time in Hungarian history, the 1848–1849 Revolution and War of Independence against the Habsburgs.