Hungarian Conservative

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Hungary Named Guest of Honour At World Power Battery Conference

In his video message sent to the conference taking place in Yibin, China, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó praised the mutually beneficial strategic cooperation between Hungary and China, and called Hungary ‘a meeting point of Western and Eastern investors’.

Hungary’s Embittered Search for a National Identity after 1920

Losing the World War and the experience of the Treaty of Trianon triggered a discourse in Hungarian public life that was not without precedent, but had never been so vehement before. Perhaps the opinion of many was reflected by the renowned writer Ferenc Herczeg, who declared that ‘Europe, free press, liberalism—all these are slogans that have deceived us.’

Tibor Navracsics ‘Moderately Optimistic’ After Meeting the EP’s Budgetary Control Committee

According to the minister, representatives presented the delegation with the regulations and fundamental aspects of the spending of EU funds, followed by questions from the committee members. However, Navracsics noted that it was apparent the delegation had not read the background materials sent to them in advance for more detailed information. Also, in some cases, the opinion of certain representatives was heavily influenced by political biases, resulting in occasional factual errors during their questioning.

Conservative Conference in the UK Interrupted by Environmentalist Radicals

Protestors from the radical environmentalist group Extinction Rebellion interrupted two speeches at the National Conservatism Conference currently ongoing in London. A similar grandiose event, CPAC Hungary, recently wrapped up in Budapest without any incidents, although some reactions by left-wing media were similarly scathing.

The AI Arms Race Is On

The truth of the matter is that AI is here to stay. It is the future. While we may be some time away before, and if, we are confronted with a ‘HAL’ as the astronauts in Discover One, AI could be apocalyptic if it is under the wrong hands. At the same time, would anyone care to tell us whose are the right hands?

The Significance of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow to the Hungarian Orthodox Community

Answering the call of the representatives of Orthodox communities, Hungary recognised that the Russian Orthodox Church has some 100 million members worldwide, and the sanctioning of its leader would isolate religious people from their spiritual leader. The Patriarch is regularly prayed for and commemorated during church services in Hungary, too, as it is home to a Hungarian Orthodox community under the Moscow Patriarchate.

Violence and Other Stunts by Opposition Parties — Desperate Attempts to Substitute Substance in the Shadow of DK?

It remains to be seen, however, if this desperate craving for attention, and the aggressive and violent actions that some of the opposition forces engage in are appealing to the Hungarian electorate. It is more likely that meaningful, constructive actions, and a comprehensive and relevant political agenda would benefit these opposition parties more than any of the stunts they have been recently engaging in.

Hungary at the Forefront of the Green Transition

‘If in the coming years, the world cannot transition to electric-based transportation, then all environmental goals, climate goals, and green objectives will remain naïve illusions,’ Péter Szijjártó explained at the groundbreaking ceremony of the new factory of the South Korean EcoPro company.

Emperor Sigismund with the

Western Europe’s View of Hungary in the Middle Ages

From the perspective of Europe, the Hungarians’ conversion to Christianity was by no means an unbroken continuation of their raids—the Hungarian people was still considered suspicious, barbaric, and prone to paganism for a long time.

Pope Francis Released from Hospital Ahead of Visit to Hungary

His Holiness was treated for bronchitis last week, after he had breathing difficulties as he finished his public audience in St Peter’s Square. His health thankfully won’t be impairing him during his busy Holy Week duties, nor on his Apostolic Journey to Hungary.