Search results: german occupation


19 June – Independence Day of Hungary

19 June is a reminder of the hard-earned freedom and independence of Hungary – between 19 March 1944 and 19 June 1991, for 47 long years, Hungary was occupied for foreign powers.


‘Iustitia est regnorum fundamentum’ – Part I

From Hungary to Brazil, from Eger to Rio. In memory of Archduchess Maria Leopoldina of Austria, Royal Princess of Hungary and Bohemia, Empress consort of Brazil, on the 200th anniversary of the independence of the country (1822–2022).


The Realpolitik of De-escalation

Henry Kissinger said Ukraine should seek peace negotiations with Russia, even if that means conceding territories. After months of Western powers pursuing the policy of shattering not only Putin’s war prospects but his whole regime, the former top official’s advice comes as a surprise. But what is the underlying logic?


The Betrayal of Central Europe

If both elites (those of the West and of Central Europe, respectively) are ready to follow a more pragmatic political action plan, and rely on a less exclusive and lecturing linguistic regime, we can avoid the worst case scenario, which is the split and break-up of the Union, and a potential internal conflict within Europe.

Képernyőfotó 2022-04-25 - 15.03.33

Visegrád and Its Mission

To sum up, there are the so-called ideological ‘leftists’ who are in power in much of Europe, including Berlin and Paris, and there are the pragmatic ‘rightists who are in power in the Visegrád Group countries, especially in Budapest and Warsaw, but, for the time being, they are in opposition to most of Europe.


1956: A National Revolution

Carl von Clausewitz advised that “According to our idea of a people’s war, it should, like a kind of nebulous vapoury essence, never condense
into a solid body; […]. Still, however, on the other hand, it is necessary that this mist should collect at some points into denser masses, and form threatening clouds from which now and again a formidable flash of lightning may burst forth.

Képernyőfotó 2022-04-18 - 21.53.26

A Return of the 1930s?

How was it possible for the situation of Jews in the Western world to deteriorate to such an extent that one Jewish media outlet senses a return to the anti-Semitism of the 1930s? And what has been the reaction of the international left?

Képernyőfotó 2022-03-31 - 8.04.01

Protecting the Values of Creation Is a Shared Task

Conservative forces in Europe and outside the continent need to work together because the values we hold dear are under global attack. These are the values that underpin
the greatness and prosperity of our civilization.

Képernyőfotó 2022-03-23 - 8.11.57

The Struggles of Men of a More Sophisticated Age

In its entirety, Scitovszky’s memoirs are a compelling and eloquent retelling of many of the obscure events at and after Trianon, written by a man of a sophisticated age, hardened by insurmountable challenges and driven by a sense
of duty and responsibility.