Hungarian Conservative

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The building of the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium.

Whom Does the European Commission Represent?

As the European Commission’s politicization takes place without real democratic political legitimacy, serious dilemmas arise: what exactly are the interests of the President of the European Commission, and whom does she represent when she gives her annual State of the Union Address?

Giorgia Meloni Holds Migration Summit in Rome

The conservative Prime Minister of Italy is aiming to ease the migration pressure on Europe by having the migrants’ transit countries and countries of origin more involved in managing the migration flow. She has already made some headway on this front.

Balázs Orbán at the conference on the government’s public administration fellowship programme held at the Lónyay-Hatvany Villa in October 2021.

Balázs Orbán on Hungary’s EU Presidency, Kosovo, the Future of the EU and the US Presidential Election

Balázs Orbán pointed out that Hungarian foreign policy has long sought to draw attention to the fact that the Balkans should be offered the prospective of European integration. ‘This is another potential conflict zone that can explode just like the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. It is important for every EU country to stand in favour of the Western Balkans enlargement policy for the sake of the stability of the region,’ he emphasised.

Jerzy Kwaśniewski, President of the Board and co-founder of Ordo Iuris Institute, Chairman of the Ordo Iuris Foundation Council.

‘Our Region Has to Influence the EU and Find a Way to Counterbalance Brussels’ — Jerzy Kwaśniewski to Hungarian Conservative

‘Although the outcome is yet unknown, I think that any kind of ascent should start with the (re)construction of the infrastructure to connect the partners. After the completion of this task, we should think about declaring, promoting and following the basic values and principles shared by the Central European countries and nations. These principles will allow us to find a common language, free from the ‘progressive’ ideologies that characterise the West now.’