Hungarian Conservative

Search results: peace mission, Orbán

The Hungarian Embassy in Washington, DC

National Defence Day Marked by Hungarian Embassy in Washington

In his remarks to officials working in the US capital and foreign diplomats, Ambassador Takács pointed out that for the sake of Ukraine and its society, peace and a ceasefire are needed. The sooner negotiations aimed at this can begin, the fewer further casualties will have to be suffered. The Ambassador also emphasized the importance of NATO remaining a defensive alliance focusing on deterrence.

Ludwig Seitz, Faith and Reason United (ca. 1887). Galleria dei Candelabri, Vatican Museum, Vatican City, Rome, Italy

Could Europe Turn to the Right?

‘The forthcoming European Parliament elections hold particular significance…As Orbán emphasized in his address on 15 March: “We are on the brink of a sovereign revolution in America and Europe, where normal life can be restored, and a great era of Western nations can commence.”’

Brussels Censorship Strikes Again: Right-Wing ID, ECR Excluded From EP-Election Debate

The European Broadcasting Union has not invited the right-wing Identity and Democracy and the European Conservatives and Reformists to the EP election debate scheduled for 23 May. The decision, explained on ridiculous grounds, is yet another sign that what is at stake at the upcoming European elections is to defend freedom of speech against the left-wing progressive dictatorship of opinion.

Carpets are laid on the streets of the historical Icerisehir within the scope of the National Carpet Festival organized for the first time by the Icerisehir State Grove Administration in Baku, Azerbaijan on May 04, 2024.

Enhanced Strategic Partnership in Energy and Beyond: Hungary and Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has the potential to become one of the major natural gas suppliers to Hungary if the current determination to increase import volumes continues. However, the bilateral relations between the two countries extend beyond natural gas exports and are characterized by an enhanced strategic partnership. Given the commitment to construct an undersea high-voltage power line through the Black Sea, Azerbaijan could also become a key exporter of renewable energy to Hungary. On 1 May 2024 Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, ahead of the Tashkent International Investment Forum, reached an agreement to construct a similar high-voltage undersea power line through the Caspian Sea.

A protestor at a demonstration against Ron DeSantis during a Republican fundraising event in Houston, Texas on 3 March 2023.

Gender, Children and Family — Hungary Gets It Right While the U.S. Stumbles

‘Last week in the United States, President Joe Biden released new rules governing Title IX, a part of American civil rights law governing its application to discrimination against women. With no participation of Congress, Biden’s administration declared that the Title IX rules now generally apply to transgendered people. The meaning of this cannot be understated. The civil rights law passed to protect women now protects men who declare themselves to be women.’

MEPs Take the NatCon Case to EP President Roberta Metsola

In the absence of any condemnatory reaction from the European Parliament regarding the surreal events that occurred at last week’s National Conservatism Conference, seven MEPs have drafted an open letter to EP President Roberta Metsola, calling on her to denounce this significant infringement of freedom of expression.

Belgian Police block the entrance of the Claridge events centre in Brussels, the venue of the National Conservatism Conference on 16 April 2024.

NatCon Brussels Opens New Front in EP-Election Campaign: The Fight for Freedom of Speech

The attempt to shut down the National Conservatism Conference has ignited a new battleground in the EP election campaign: the fight for freedom of speech. While progressives were quick to lay blame on Brussels district mayor Emir Kir, this incident is hardly about him only: it is a culmination of a longstanding process of anti-freedom of speech tendencies in the European Commission and the European Parliament.