Hungarian Conservative

Search results: ursula von der leyen

This Town’s Not Big Enough For Both of Them

Von der Leyen has become one of the closest allies of the United States, both when it comes to making an official stance regarding China, or when it comes to passing judgements in the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian conflict. Charles Michel, on the other hand, finds it necessary to create a uniquely European way of thinking, slightly distinct from that of the United States.

Israel Seeks to Make Italy Europe’s New Gas Hub

While Europe desperately needs new partners to wean itself off Russian gas, by becoming an energy exporter, Israel could reduce its isolation and thaw its icy relations with the EU—something that is even more valuable than export revenues for Jerusalem.

The Importance of the Hungarian–French Summit

Last week’s invitation of the French President shows that despite Hungary having disputes with the European Union and the EU funds due to our country are being withheld, the Hungarian Prime Minister is not at all an isolated actor in European political life.

Brexit: an Agreement on Northern Ireland Is About to Be Reached

The mechanism of the Northern Ireland Protocol made the everyday lives of citizens and businesses in Northern Ireland significantly more difficult. Food supply, for example, proved to be particularly problematic, as the EU’s strict consumer protection requirements caused serious disruptions and shortages in Northern Ireland.