Search results: 1956

Cardinal Dominik Duka, then Archbishop of Prague, in 2011.

‘You Have Saved Europe!’ — Cardinal Dominik Duka to the Hungarian Nation

The spirit and dedication to God of Cardinal Duka were not broken when in prison as an underground clergyman—he kept conducting masses for his prison mates that he disguised as occasions of a chess club. A couple of years ago, in an interview with Mandiner, he said: ‘My personal experience is, as someone who also suffered imprisonment for the sake of justice, is that the question often arises: “who is really the prisoner?”. It was not clear whether it was us or those who were looking at us from the other side of the bars.’

Lenin speaking in Moscow on 5 May 1920 to motivate troops to fight Poland.

A US Student in Budapest: An American Perspective on Socialism and Freedom

‘The American left is seeking what they call ‘Social democracy’ and claim it is not ‘democratic socialism’, but everyone knows it is indeed the same ideology. This socialist ideology reflects that of Rousseau’s, who had an abstract idea of society’s restoration towards man’s ‘natural equality,’ but this idea is fundamentally flawed. As Edmund Burke, the prominent British political thinker, wrote in response: “their abstract perfection is their practical defect”.’

The Ukrainian Puzzle—A Review of Áron Máthé’s New Book

‘The Ukrainian Puzzle: Hungary’s Perspective on a Changing Neighbour’ is a book that intends to present the Hungarian perspective on Ukraine to the Ukrainian and international public, arguing that this perspective has not changed ever since the two countries established diplomatic relations in 1991. While it is hard to disagree with the main idea of the book, the methodology employed to convey it leaves something to be desired.

Pope Francis (C) and Cardinal Peter Erdo (R), Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest and Primate of Hungary, celebrate a holy mass at Kossuth Lajos' Square during the Pope's visit in Budapest on April 30, 2023, the last day of his tree-day trip to Hungary.

Cardinal Péter Erdő Recognised as a True Churchman

In 2015, Cardinal Erdő was chosen to give the opening remarks at the Synod on the Family in Vatican City. The Cardinal, to the disappointment of progressive churchmen, reaffirmed the importance of the divine doctrine and reality of indissolubility in marriage.

Go, Visit Budapest, They Said — It Will Be Fun, They Said

‘The [Budapest Retro Interactive] museum demonstrates the triumph over communism through humour and satire. Far from making light of the oppressive regime or downplaying its existence, it derides it in displays that paint it as a farce when compared to the true freedom and prosperity Hungary has experienced since communism’s demise.’

FINA Congress Approves Headquarters Move to Budapest

In his remarks at the congress of the International Swimming Federation Péter Szijjártó highlighted that Hungary plays a significant role in the world of swimming, as one of the eight founding members of the International Swimming Federation in 1908, holding thirty-seven Olympic gold medals in swimming and nine in water polo.

The Hungarian Pioneer of Jet Propulsion Born 142 Years Ago Today

In the early 1920s, Fonó’s attention turned back to the unresolved problem of jet propulsion. By that time, it had become entirely evident that propeller-driven aircraft were unable to exceed a certain speed limit. In 1928, Fonó developed his invention called the ‘air jet engine.’

The Hungarian king saints on the altar painting of the St Martin's Church in Szepeshely (Spišská Kapitula) in the Upper Lands (Slovakia).

Giving All for the Motherland, Betraying Her Never

27 June is the Day of Hungarian Border Guards. The geographic location of our country and the very fact that it is the eastern bulwark of Western Christianity obliged it in the past and is still predestining it today to be one of the guardians of European civilisation and the peace of the continent.