Search results: Child Protection

Ludwig Seitz, Faith and Reason United (ca. 1887). Galleria dei Candelabri, Vatican Museum, Vatican City, Rome, Italy

Could Europe Turn to the Right?

‘The forthcoming European Parliament elections hold particular significance…As Orbán emphasized in his address on 15 March: “We are on the brink of a sovereign revolution in America and Europe, where normal life can be restored, and a great era of Western nations can commence.”’

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán speaking at the 32nd Bálványos Free Summer University and Student Camp, 2023

Hungary Is about to Deliver a Long-Awaited, Meaningful EU Presidency

‘Hungary is set to take over the rotating EU Presidency in July 2024, a development that has provoked mixed feelings among certain political factions…Nonetheless, Hungary has proven to be a formidable participant in these disputes, fully aware of its rights within the EU legal framework and prepared to advocate for them vigorously.’

Members of European Parliament and LGBT supporters demonstrate their support for the Polish LGBTQI community in front of the EP building during a plenary session in Brussels on 15 September 2020.

The Genderization of European Politics

The authors examined the resolutions, annual fundamental rights and human rights reports adopted by the European Parliament between 2019 and 2024 to analyse and document the emergence of a ‘new language’ that serves to prioritize specific aspects in the protection of fundamental and human rights.

Illustration by Hungarian Conservative

Revealing the Facts: A Brief History of the Hungarian GDP

GDP per capita growth has been above the EU-27 average in every year since 2010, so the Hungarian economy has grown faster than the EU average. Our decline in 2020 was also below average, and even below the large decline in 2009—despite the fact that the EU average decline in 2020 was larger than in 2009.

Energy drink - illustration, Pixabay

Prohibition of Energy Drink Sales to Minors Proposed in Hungarian Parliament

Lőrinc Nacsa and István Hollik, politicians of the Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP), submitted a bill to the National Assembly on Tuesday proposing to ban the sale of energy drinks to minors. In the justification of the bill they stated that the consumption of energy drinks among young people in Hungary has reached alarming levels.

The Holy Land’s Vanishing Christian Communities

‘Both Jordan and Israel, each for different reasons, are part of a larger trend of the deChristianization of the Middle East. Many churchmen fear that in a generation or two Christianity, like Judaism before it, will become a diaspora religion; exiled from its birthplace. In this dark vision, the great Christian churches, shrines, and monuments will become the objects of pilgrimage, mere museums, rather than vibrant, living places of worship.’