Search results: Child Protection

Engraving of the First Vatican Council held in Saint Peter's Basilica during the papacy of Pius IX in 1869.

Why Is Conservatism Potentially Dangerous to Christianity?

‘Many Christians who hold modernity culpable for the demise of the church and dispersion of the Christian flock join forces with political conservatism, seeing in it their natural political ally and representative, while conservative politicians look upon these groups—and many of their institutional leaders, bishops, evangelists, theologians—as reliable, strong, and loyal supporters.’

Rainbow flag during Pride Week on the roof of the US Embassy in Berlin, Germany, 3 July 2021.

No Country for Woke Men

‘The various proceedings and attacks against Hungary for years can not be traced back to rule-of-law issues or “democratic backsliding”, but “merely” to the fact that the domestic right-wing is fighting back against Wokeness—precisely in the wake of its triumphant victory.’

Screenshot of a video on aHang's YouTube channel

The Hungarian Left Can’t Win Even When They Set Their Own Rules

‘There is an evident deficit in competence between the right-wing and left-wing organizations in this country. Part of it has to do with competent, otherwise not ideological people gravitating toward the side more likely to win. In cases like the so-called “alternative referendum” initiative that deficit is put on glaring display.’

Fidesz–KDNP Nominates Tamás Sulyok as President of Hungary

At the Fidesz–KDNP parliamentary group meeting today it was decided that Tamás Sulyok, President of the Hungarian Constitutional Court would be nominated for the position of head of state, left vacant following the resignation of Katalin Novák. Tamás Deutsch will lead the governing parties’ list for the European Parliament elections.

Post-colonial guilt trip? Pro-Palestinian protesters gather in London to protest the siege of Gaza, London, UK

The Political Implications of 7 October 2023

‘We must defeat, not pacify, the Palestinian dream of annihilating Israel. Defeat, not come to terms with nor even deter. But this may well turn out to be a historical turning point of history beyond Israel because it is a wake-up call for the West in general. The West has lost its immune system in a multicultural haze that has left it unable to see differences.’