Search results: joe biden

The Beginning of the End for China’s Economic Hegemony?

‘Indeed, things are getting so difficult for Xi’s authoritarian directives…China’s economy actually fell into deflation in July, while factory-gate prices also extended declines—its debt is three times its GDP in 2022. Beijing’s consumer price index, the main gauge of inflation, fell 0.3 per cent in July, the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS) said, after having flatlined in June.’

The Revenge of Geography? — Theoretical Considerations for Interpreting the Russia–Ukraine War

‘Nation-states will be reduced in their functionality, becoming of secondary importance as entities, and the principle of territorial existence will slowly dissolve into a new, boundless uniformity. To use a rather un-English term, we are going to witness the deterritorialization of the world—a world deprived of the territories of its constituents, at least if we are to believe the new utopians.’

Ukrainian soldiers parading.

The Complexities in Ending the War in Ukraine

It is quite clear that the Ukrainians would have never survived this long against the Russian aggression without the financial and military assistance of the US. Yet the Biden administration has thus far offered no strategic argument on behalf of the costs and risks, let alone what is the overall end objective of the war.

MCC Feszt 2023 Kicks Off in Esztergom

The third annual MCC Feszt in Esztergom, Hungary is expected to have 40,000 people in attendance, more than ever before. The Day1 programme featured many well-known musical acts as well as a panel a discussion about the major shifts in the state of geopolitics, with Gladden J. Pappin, Dean Karalekas, Benjamin Freidman, and Michael Hume.

Viktor Orbán looks at Biden as the US President extends his hand to him before the group photo at the NATO Summit in Vilnius on 11 July 2023.

Choosing Between the US and China

‘Could Biden’s token [of shaking hands only with Orbán when arriving for the NATO group photo in Vilnius], as some experts suspect, have been an invitation to the Hungarian government to hop on board the US geopolitical bandwagon and forget the Chinese and Russian ones?’

The Risk in Not ‘De-Risking’ with China

‘There is also a way to deal with the world’s largest economy, for the US Dollar (USD) is not going to decline anytime soon. Those who claim that the USD is in decline often argue that for centuries, reserve currencies have risen and fallen in tandem with their home economies. As the US’ share of the global economy diminishes, economists argue, so too will the USD and its global hegemony. A fascinating yet hardly conclusive argument since there has never been a dominant global reserve currency prior to the USD. Quite the contrary, the USD is the only currency ever to have played such a pivotal role in international commerce.’

US–Hungary Arms Deal Blocked By Republican Senator

Senator James E. Risch of Idaho cited his frustration over Hungary not moving forward with approving Sweden’s NATO accession as his reason to block the $735 million arms deal. However, in the meantime, Hungary has signed a letter of intent for air force equipment acquisition with France.

Viktor Orbán speaking at the leadership meeting of CDI in Bled, Slovenia on 18 May 2023.

Viktor Orbán: The Situation in Ukraine is More Serious than Ever

According to the prime minister, the ongoing conflict contains numerous unpredictable factors. In light of this, it is crucial for the organisations and leaders responsible for Hungary’s security to remain vigilant and prepared to take action whatever the circumstances might be.