Search results: 1956

Blokád Becomes Most Watched Hungarian Film on Netflix

Blokád was not only popular on Netflix, but was also successful in cinemas and became the most watched Hungarian drama film of the year in 2022, earning nearly 99 million forints in cinemas. Some 58,000 people bought tickets for it, and it was shown in cinemas for 22 weeks.

Charles the Great and Hungary

Charlemagne’s figure, as well as the myths and legends associated with him, had a great influence on medieval Western European chronicles and fiction, but medieval Hungarian historiography—similarly to Central European—was surprisingly little affected by it.

The Historic Date of 12 March: Hungary Joined NATO 24 Years Ago

The Orbán administration has committed to spending at least two per cent of the country’s GDP on defence by the end of 2024, a commitment made in 2014 by all NATO members but something many NATO countries have not yet honoured. Hungary, in fact, is set to achieve the two per cent threshold by the end of this year, before the deadline.

Transgenderism: Slithering Towards the Age of Confusion

In the coming years, thousands, if not millions, will fall prey to the misguided promise that surgeries, hormones, and drugs can alleviate their feelings of self-alienation. So, conservatives, let us come alongside those people with compassion and wisdom. But let us also not lose sight of the conservative vision of culture that is our lode star.

Recollections of the Past — How Hungarians Remember Communism

While Hungarian national memory of communism is far from being consolidated, the tendency among young people to view their ancestors’ actions under a totalitarian regime with empathy while at the same time to strongly reject communism as a political ideology is a promising development.