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Experts Dissect Hungary in the EU at Mathias Corvinus Collegium Roundtable

During a roundtable discussion organized by the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) on Thursday in Budapest, experts dissected Hungary’s role and opportunities within the EU. They agreed that one of the key topics during Hungary’s EU presidency should be the integration of the Western Balkans. They also discussed the war in Ukraine, the Eastern opening, and the bureaucracy in Brussels, among other topics.

George Simion, the leader of the Alliance for the Unity of Romanians (AUR) party takes part in a rally to promote their candidates for the EU elections in Târgoviște on 7 April 2024.

Unwanted Radicalism? — Romania Ahead of a Busy Election Year

‘The complicated political system, and the fact that the people are called three separate times to the polls this year may lead to the success of the more radical messages, because they are simple and smartly formulated. However, according to a survey conducted in April, more than half of those surveyed stated that in the European Parliament elections, they would vote for the party to which their preferred candidate for mayor belongs. This reflects the tendency of trusting local policy makers rather than politicians at the national level who constantly argue with each other in the capital city.’

President Biden Makes Bizarre Choice: He Appears on Howard Stern’s Radio Show

At the height of his popularity, ‘shock jock’ Howard Stern was known for having porn actors perform sex acts on his show and routinely engaged in racial humour, even saying the ‘N-word’ on air. Yet President Joe Biden, who has been criticized even by liberal outlets for being unavailable to the press, chose him to finally give a long-form interview.

Tony Abbott at CPAC: ‘The only country in the world that’s successfully stopped a wave of illegal immigration by boat is Australia’

‘If working people are voting more right: as in Australia in my 2013 election, America in Trump’s 2016 election, Britain in Boris Johnson’s 2019 Brexit election, and here in Hungary for the past decade, that’s because the main party of the right has become more economically pragmatic, more focussed on the social fabric, more targeted towards people’s living standards, and more concerned to uphold its own country’s interests over “global” ones.’

Mark Robinson — American Revolutionary

‘Maintaining and building on Trump’s realignment will require legitimate working-class voices under the GOP tent. Trump is a veritable hero to many working-class Americans, but he is the first to note he is a billionaire real-estate and television mogul. Vance’s life story and personal triumphs are remarkable, but he ultimately sports a Yale law degree and a résumé with corporate-law and venture-capital credentials. The changing Republican Party is short on figures like Mark Robinson.’

Yan Xuetong delivers his lecture at the Danube Institute on 18 April 2024.

Counter-Globalization and Chinese Foreign Policy — Yan Xuetong at the the Danube Institute 

The Chinese scholar observed that whereas technological advancement—from the telegraph and 5G or from the industrial revolution to the digital age—progresses linearly, global politics exhibits ‘retrogressive’ dynamics or regression.  The First World War was a regression in comparison to the calm times of before it began; the interwar years were a period of growth, while the Second World War was also a regression. In his view, the current era also represents a step backwards.