Search results: Rod Dreher

Our Latest Magazine Issue Is Out — Grab a Copy Now to Read Unconventional Opinions and Analyses

The brand new edition of our magazine features articles by famous American columnist Rod Dreher, advisor to the European Parliament and Ludovika University of Public Service researcher Lénárd Sándor, and Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business professor Ray Kinsella; as well as an interview with French historian of philosophy Professor Rémi Brague. You can pick up the latest edition of Hungarian Conservative magazine at your local bookstore or newspaper stand; or, you can subscribe to our quarterly magazine on our website to make sure you never miss an issue.

America’s Lipsticked Pig

Ambassadors are supposed to represent their country’s interests in overseas capitals, including advocating for their government’s policies. But they are also supposed to be prudent and, well, diplomatic. Do the American people understand how David Pressman, Washington’s man in Budapest and the chief cosmetician of swinish policies, is coming off like a ham-fisted bully?—An opinion piece by Rod Dreher.

Anonymous, St Catherine of Siena Besieged by Demons (ca. 1500). Warsaw National Museum, Warsaw, Poland

Europe at an Ideological Crossroads: Unity in Progressivism or Sovereignty in Diversity?

‘Europe finds itself at a critical situation, faced with a fundamental choice between unity in progressivism or sovereignty in diversity…Central to this decision is the recognition of Europe’s intrinsic diversity, rooted in centuries of history, cultural exchange, and shared heritage. This diversity, inherently European, forms the essence of the continent’s identity and should be cherished and preserved. Importantly, efforts to import diversity from external sources often lead to fragmentation and discord, rather than enriching European society.’

The Latest Madness of the Spanish Government

‘Ideological laws in Spain have been passed one after the other since Pedro Sánchez came into power. He has attempted to normalize gender ideology through laws, which has so far been a monumental failure. These laws are attacks on the common sense, truth, logic and reason.’

A participant displays a placard reading 'Court of (George) Soros' as members and supporters of the ruling FIDESZ party demonstrate in front of the European Commission's local headquarters in Budapest on 14 June 2024

How to Fight ‘Cultural Socialism’? The Right Must Learn to Use the State

‘This is why the model pioneered by Viktor Orbán and Fidesz matters so much to Western conservatives. Orbán understood a long time ago that powerful private actors—especially George Soros and his Open Society Foundations—exercise disproportionate power over Hungarian affairs, or at least seek to do so. Similarly, public institutions that have been captured by illiberal progressives operate as if they have a natural right to evade scrutiny and accountability. And if leaders of the political Right are too shackled by their right-liberal convictions to take the fight to them, why shouldn’t the cultural socialists do whatever they think is necessary to win?’

Hungarian Writer Denied Award Because He Is a ‘White Male’

Kossuth Prize-winning Hungarian writer Péter Nádas was denied a prestigious literary prize in Germany solely because he is a ‘white man.’ Two outraged members of the seven-member jury reported the incident, feeling pressured to behave not as judges but as ‘literary functionaries,’ which they refused to do.

Special Print Issue of Hungarian Conservative Dedicated to the European Parliamentary Election Released

The European Parliamentary election is taking place next month, and our print magazine has just released a special issue all about the major political event. Among other excellent pieces we have Fidesz co-founder, MP Zsolt Németh writing about Brussels and Budapest accusing each other of failing to live up to the Union’s democratic values; as well as President of the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs Gladden Pappin looking the parallels between the foundation of the United States of America and the attempted foundation of a ‘United States of Europe’. You can pick up the latest edition of Hungarian Conservative magazine at your local bookstore or newspaper stand, or you can subscribe to our quarterly magazine on our website to make sure you never miss an issue.

Dutch election night in the MCC Centre, Debrecen, Hungary on 22 November 2023.

All Quiet on the Dutch Front

‘Like many, I still cannot believe that Wilders could become prime minister, given his years of demagogic outbursts and his abysmal reputation among the parts of the nation that ‘matter’. He shocked polite society with condescending statements about Dutch Muslims and unworkable, discriminatory policy proposals.’