Search results: Sándor Petőfi

The Spirit of ’56

‘This 4th of July, my own country’s independence day, Americans can look with solidarity to the struggles of Hungary and of all democracies against the many faces of tyranny in these last few centuries.’

Celebrating the Day of Hungarian Poetry

The Day of Hungarian Poetry, celebrated annually on 11 April since 1964, honours the nation’s rich literary heritage and the enduring contributions of its poets, both past and present. From public transport recitations to literary gatherings, this vibrant celebration unites Hungarians in a shared appreciation for the power of language and the timeless themes of human experience captured in poetry.

Júlia Szendrey (Sára Mosolygó) and her husband, Sándor Petőfi (Nándor Berettyán) on the evening of 15 March, the first day of the 1848–1848 revolution.

‘Now or Never’ — The Ambitious 15 March Epic that Brings the Revolution to Life

The film is a valuable contribution to keeping the spirit and memory of the 1848 revolution and freedom fight alive by transforming distant historical figures into flesh and blood people in a credible and compelling way. It deserves merit also because, in a brave move, it attributes a prominent role in the events to Júlia Szendrey, Petőfi’s wife, paying tribute to this tragic-fated woman who became a renowned poet, writer and translator in her later life.

Cockades in front of the Hungarian National Museum on the 172nd anniversary of the outbreak of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 on 15 March 2020.

The Origin and Correct Use of the Festive Cockade

The cockade is one of the best-known and most significant Hungarian symbols, which has played a decisive role in our history. Over the centuries, the cockade has become an emblem of patriotism and Hungarian identity, which we have proudly worn on all our national holidays ever since the Hungarian Revolution of 1848.

15 March — The Homeland Comes First

This year we commemorate the 176th anniversary of that glorious, rainy day when the revolutionary youth of Pest, joined by many of the good people of Pest and Buda, took to the streets to demand liberty and national sovereignty.

Scenes from The Mézga Family animated television series painted on the wall of the former Military Academy in Pasaréti Road in Buda.

National Film Institute Celebrates 110 Years of Hungarian Animation

Throughout the years, Hungary has produced a cornucopia of iconic, memorable cartoons, for both film and television, such as Marcell Jankovics’s TV series Magyar Népmesék (Hungarian Folk Tales, 1980–2012), or Béla Ternovszky’s animated feature comedy Macskafogó (Cat City, 1986).

Migrants arrive in the harbour of Italian island of Lampedusa, on 18 September 2023

A Plan Failed Miserably — For the Benefit of All

Whatever the original plan or idea behind promoting, supporting, and organizing uncontrolled migration to Europe (and to the United States) was, social engineering has miserably failed again just as in the case of communism. For once again it failed to take into account nothing less than human nature.