Search results: Yoram Hazony

Who’s Afraid of National Conservatism in Europe?

‘Why did the left-wing oligarchy (a political-administrative and academic-media apparatus) mobilize its militant wing against a conference of a few hundred conservatives? Did it fear that its political opponents would win too many hearts, minds, and Euros? No. Canceling the original, sought-after venue was a naked exercise of its power. Réseau Ades warned that the agitation efforts will persist until NatCon Brussels 2024 is entirely aborted.’

The NatconUK Conference Focused on Many Policy Debates Important to Hungary

A major focus of the conference in London was placed upon pro-family policies to increase population as an alternative to immigration. Traditionally, Britain has not focused on declining birth rates, aging societies, and pro-family policies to offset population declines. As opposed to that, in its own commitment to preserving national culture and values, Hungary has pursued fruitful efforts to support families and prevent leftist indoctrination of young people through the public education system.

Conservative Conference in the UK Interrupted by Environmentalist Radicals

Protestors from the radical environmentalist group Extinction Rebellion interrupted two speeches at the National Conservatism Conference currently ongoing in London. A similar grandiose event, CPAC Hungary, recently wrapped up in Budapest without any incidents, although some reactions by left-wing media were similarly scathing.

An Appeal from the Old to the New Conservatives

Conservatives are those who uphold tradition, the nation, and the values of the Bible. If we take care to uphold those principles consistently, it will become increasingly difficult, and eventually impossible, for those who advocate other principles, to present themselves as conservatives.


Hungarian Conservative Thought: A Competitive Advantage

The guiding thread of Hungarian conservative thinking has always been to represent the Hungarian national interest, and thus the preservation of the country’s sovereignty and freedom—this is understood to supersede any theoretical concepts.


Spaces of Conservation

Nostalgia, so characteristic of conservatives, can
be understood not in
time but in space instead.
This nostalgia originates from Odysseus’s desire
to return home (νόστος) and means the suffering
of man away from his home that motivates his return.