Hungarian Conservative

Search results: peace mission, Orbán

Wokebusters International Mission Kicks Off in the United States

The Wokebusters initiative, launched in July, is starting its first international mission. Miklós Szánthó, Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights, stated that their first stop will be the United States, as it is the home of the woke movement. But the Wokebusters also have many allies in the US who are committed to the values of God, country, and family,, the director general added.

You Have to Work for Peace!

‘For peace, a ceasefire is needed first. Only then can a peace plan be developed to end the conflict. Anyone who does not accept this is not familiar with the science of peacemaking,’ Balázs Orbán wrote in his analysis for Mandiner.

Viktor Orbán delivers his speech in Tusnádfürdő, Transylvania on 27 July 2024. To his left, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly Zsolt Németh, to his right László Tőkés, President of the Hungarian National Council of Transylvania (EMNT)

Lecture of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at the 33rd Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp

‘The essence of the grand strategy for Hungary—and now I will use intellectual language—is connectivity. This means that we will not allow ourselves to be locked into only one of either of the two emerging hemispheres in the world economy. The world economy will not be exclusively Western or Eastern. We have to be in both, in the Western and in the Eastern. This will come with consequences. The first. We will not get involved in the war against the East. We will not join in the formation of a technological bloc opposing the East, and we will not join in the formation of a trade bloc opposing the East.’

Viktor Orbán delivers his remarks at the Tusványos Summer University on 26 July 2014. Sitting next to him is Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly Zsolt Németh (L)

A Decade of Political Visions — Orbán’s Tusványos Remarks over the Past Ten Years

The first Tusványos speech that became famous across the Western world was delivered a decade ago in 2014. In the international, and especially Western media, the speech became (in)famous for using the phrase ‘illiberal democracy’ for the first time. Talking about competitiveness in a globalizing world Orbán said: ‘We are trying to find the form of community organisation, the new Hungarian state, which is capable of making our community competitive in the great global race for decades to come.’

New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax

‘Viktor Orbán has become part of the American body politic’ — An Interview with New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax

‘The Nixon coalition that really springboarded him as such a popular President—people really forget how popular of a President he was—that was the same sort of coalition that carried Reagan, it’s the same sort of coalition that is now going to carry Trump. It’s a working-class, America First coalition, it crosses socio-economic divides, it crosses racial lines, it crosses ethnic lines, it’s a very strong and growing emerging populous majority. And I think we are going to see the fruits of that this cycle,’ Gavin Wax told Hungarian Conservative.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen celebrates after she was re-elected for a second term at The European Parliament in Strasbourg, eastern France on 18 July 2024.

Political Priorities for the New European Commission

Ursula von der Leyen’s Europe’s Choice programme will be the working document on the basis of which the Commissioners designate will receive their portfolios and, when they take office, the mandate in which the Commission President will set out their work and expectations for the next five years. And the implementation of these visions will be the task for this period to come.

Finnish President Urges Ukraine to Negotiate Peace Without Preconditions

Finnish President Alexander Stubb stated in a recent interview that a point has been reached where starting negotiations regarding the war in Ukraine can no longer be postponed. Stubb’s statement echoes the proposals of Viktor Orbán, which the Hungarian Prime Minister submitted to European Council President Charles Michel following his peace mission in early July.

Balázs Orbán Hints at Possible PfE Expansion in the Near Future

Balázs Orbán, the political director for the Hungarian Prime Minister, participated in a panel discussion at this year’s Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp. He spoke about the current state of the European right, Viktor Orbán’s peace mission, and Hungarian foreign policy strategy. He mentioned that the Patriots for Europe political group, co-founded by Viktor Orbán, will be expanded in the near future, but he did not specify who the new members might be.