Family-Centric Thinking Against Global Population Decline
‘In the East, the communist worldview largely rejected the nuclear family unit, seeing it rather as an economic unit that ideologically furthered capitalist interests. In the West, a notion emerged in the latter twentieth century that largely views prioritizing family as limiting individual autonomy and self-fulfillment. We are the inheritors of societies that have been profoundly shaped by one or both worldviews.’
Advent in Peace and War
In whichever way we observe Advent, and whatever the colours of our candles are, now that the merry days of Christmas are near, let us stop for a moment and think of those who cannot celebrate in peace this holiday season. Let’s not forget about those who live in countries and regions torn by war, violence and persecution: let’s all try to find ways to contribute, even in the smallest ways, to helping them, and let’s pray that there be peace.
Islamic Terrorism Strikes America Again
‘While the world is justly concerned about the acts of jihadist violence, it has been led by neoconservative and progressive politicians and the mainstream media to believe that the acts of terror carried out by Muslims are sparse and provincial. Consequential to this has been the denial of the jihadist doctrine as a juridical development of Islamic sacred texts.’
PM Orbán Should Form a Coalition of the Willing to Save Europe
‘Prime Minister Orbán has already demonstrated that strong leadership can make a difference. By uniting in an emergency Coalition of the Willing to Save Europe, championing economic freedom and cultural conservatism, European conservatives can chart a path toward a freer, more prosperous, and more cohesive future. The time to act is now. With Orbán’s leadership, 2025 could mark the beginning of Europe’s renewal.’
The Donald’s Great Comeback: the Election of 2024
President Trump, after overcoming multiple indictments, one conviction, and two assassination attempts, completed the Great American Comeback story and won the 2024 US presidential election, becoming the 45th and 47th President of the United States. He also delivered the first popular vote victory for the Republican Party in a presidential election since 2004.
‘We are all Hungarian cultural diplomats’ — A Conversation with Kálmán Magyar Sr.
‘The absolute number of those claiming Hungarian descent in the American censuses, approx. 1.5 million, has remained largely unchanged over the past few decades. Even if the communities dwindle, there will always be those who will do their best to be ‘Hungarian’. Because what does it take for someone to remain Hungarian in the diaspora? You need a Hungarian identity…and a culture you are proud of that you don’t throw away and don’t replace,’ says Kálmán Magyar Sr., conceiver of the Pontozó folk-dance festival.
The (Habsburg) Empire Strikes Back
‘The Danubian Compact could serve as a modern, flexible framework for cooperation, focusing on shared economic interests, energy security, infrastructure development, and more. What if the real future of Central Europe does not lie in resurrecting the past, but in reimagining it for a new era? The pieces are there, the question is whether the leaders of these nations are willing to make that leap.’
The 130-Year-Old Star of Hungarian Gastronomy: Gundel
The restaurant, established in the 1860s, was taken over In 1910 by János Gundel, a German immigrant from Bavaria, who gave the restaurant the name it is known by today.
‘I consider teaching a service’ — A Conversation with School Principal Kata Tóthné Kollár
An in-depth interview with Hungarian teacher Kata Tóthné Kollár, principal of the Sándor Kányádi Hungarian School in the San Francisco Bay Area and director of the two-week Hungarian School Camp in Fillmore, New York. She came to the United States almost 30 years ago, and became a teacher at the Hungarian school right after enrolling her two daughters there.