Hungarian Conservative

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A Pivotal Year in Politics: High Stakes and Critical Shifts Await in 2024

Rarely has a single year carried such profound implications for global security and the future as the one that lies ahead. With conflicts erupting across the globe, the foundations of the international order are being relentlessly tested. Compounding
these challenges, 2024 is marked by the impending presidential elections in two formidable and opposing powers, the United States and Russia. Similar gravity can be attributed to the European Parliament elections scheduled for the same year, where a realistic opportunity exists for the reinforcement of right-leaning forces.

Tusványos, MCC Feszt, and Tranzit Festival: Conservative Political Festivals in Hungary

While political festivals are not unique per se, there is something unique about how the Hungarian right organizes its gatherings. Their continuing success is not due to populist chauvinism, or to making them mere echo chambers. In fact, plenty of world views, including opposition voices highly critical of the Orbán administration, clashed on stage in front of captivated audiences many times this summer.

US State Dept. Condemns Hungarian Sovereignty Law, PM Orbán Responds

The press release by the US DOS claimed that the newly established Sovereignty Protection Office of Hungary is a tool ‘that can be used to intimidate and punish those with views not shared by the ruling party’ and therefore it is ‘inconsistent with our shared values of democracy’. In response, PM Orbán stated that the US government should stop lecturing Hungary.

Tucker Carlson Launches His Own Streaming Service

The Tucker Carlson Network launched this Monday on the former Fox News host’s website. Subscriptions cost $9 a month, and the paid content will feature interviews, documentaries, and analysis; or, ‘facts and honesty every day’, as Tucker Carlson put it.

Time to Stop Appeasing Iran

‘Before a military operation is even conceivable, Washington and the EU Member States must abandon the so-called “good relations” with Iran. There is nothing good in a “relation” where the other side is going to profit from it, and thereby continue to sponsor terrorists. After all is said and done, then, perhaps we can discuss, or even assume, good relaions.’

A woman looks at flags bearing symbols and colours of Ukraine that commemorate fallen Ukrainian soldiers in Independence Square, Kyiv on 1 December 2023.

Time to Reassess the Ukrainian Strategy

‘Washington and the EU need to take an entirely different approach, one that may actually work, and that is facilitate a ceasefire. Convincing Zelensky to consider this does not necessarily mean that Ukraine is to give up on restoring its 1991 borders or on holding Putin’s government responsible for the death and destruction he has caused since invading the country.’

Joe Biden Under Water in Virtually Every Poll

President Biden has to fight off multiple challengers from left-wing third-party and independent candidates, and attempt to turn around a very low approval rating of his economic policies. In light of the most recent polls, even some in his own party are questioning whether he should run for re-election next year.