Hungarian Conservative

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Rod Dreher Calls Ron DeSantis ‘Pure Orbán’ In Interview With Dave Rubin

Famed American internet personality and political commentator Dave Rubin sat down with writer and columnist Rod Dreher, also from the US, in Budapest, Hungary to discuss the state of conservatism in their home country and Hungary. They both see Prime Minister Orbán as a good model to follow for conservatives in America, and agree that he is being misrepresented in American mainstream media.

Viktor Orbán speaking at the leadership meeting of CDI in Bled, Slovenia on 18 May 2023.

Viktor Orbán: The Situation in Ukraine is More Serious than Ever

According to the prime minister, the ongoing conflict contains numerous unpredictable factors. In light of this, it is crucial for the organisations and leaders responsible for Hungary’s security to remain vigilant and prepared to take action whatever the circumstances might be.

Balázs Orbán at the conference on the government’s public administration fellowship programme held at the Lónyay-Hatvany Villa in October 2021.

Balázs Orbán on Hungary’s EU Presidency, Kosovo, the Future of the EU and the US Presidential Election

Balázs Orbán pointed out that Hungarian foreign policy has long sought to draw attention to the fact that the Balkans should be offered the prospective of European integration. ‘This is another potential conflict zone that can explode just like the Ukrainian-Russian conflict. It is important for every EU country to stand in favour of the Western Balkans enlargement policy for the sake of the stability of the region,’ he emphasised.

The Moderate Right In the Pull of the Radical Left — Paul du Quenoy’s Lecture on the Current State of the American Right

The historian from Florida calls people on the right who give up on their values due to social pressure ‘Vichy conservatives’, because they surrender when outnumbered by the opposition just as easily as the leaders of the Nazi-collaborator Vichy regime in France did. Back then, the German occupiers appeared to be a hegemonic force; today, it’s the radical left that seems to be invincible.

Meet your Heroes: Madame Tussauds Opens in Budapest

According to the organisers’ statement, the 24th Madame Tussauds production in the world brings 51 lifelike figures and their corresponding installations to the audience. The attraction features 17 Hungarian celebrities created exclusively for the Budapest production in Madame Tussauds’ workshop near London.

Conservative Conference in the UK Interrupted by Environmentalist Radicals

Protestors from the radical environmentalist group Extinction Rebellion interrupted two speeches at the National Conservatism Conference currently ongoing in London. A similar grandiose event, CPAC Hungary, recently wrapped up in Budapest without any incidents, although some reactions by left-wing media were similarly scathing.